Bicrypto 2.6.7 Crypto Trading Platform, Exchanges, KYC, Charting Library, Wallets, Binary Trading, News CMS PHP Script With Lifetime Update.
Features | Values |
Version | v2.6.7 |
Last Update | 19 May 2023 |
Documentation | Yes |
All Premium Features | Yes |
GPL/Nulled | No |
Instant Installation Support | 24 Hrs. |
Receive Updates on Email | Yes |
Website Activation | 25 |
🌟100% Genuine Guarantee And Malware Free Code.
⚡Note: Please Avoid Nulled And GPL CMC PHP Scripts.
Developer |
MashDiv |
Out of stock
Bicrypto 2.6.7 Crypto Trading Platform, Exchanges, KYC, Charting Library, Wallets, Binary Trading, News CMS PHP Script With Lifetime Update.
Bicrypto 2.6.7 is a comprehensive crypto trading platform that offers a range of services and features for both novice and experienced traders.
With its user-friendly interface, Bicrypto provides access to various cryptocurrency exchanges, allowing users to buy, sell, and trade digital assets seamlessly.
The platform ensures security and regulatory compliance by implementing a robust KYC (Know Your Customer) process.
Traders can benefit from a powerful charting library that provides real-time market data and analysis tools. Bicrypto also offers secure and convenient digital wallets for storing and managing cryptocurrencies.
Additionally, users can explore binary trading options and stay updated with the latest crypto news, making Bicrypto a one-stop destination for all crypto-related activities.
Bicrypto Requirements (minimum) PHP Script Features.
- Knowledge of running a server or any hosting with ssh and root access
- Having time to read the documentation
- PHP 8.1
- PHP extensions: memcached php-memcache php-pear php-imagick php-gmp php8.1-cgi php8.1-mysql php8.1-curl php8.1-gd php-gd php8.1-imap php8.1-tidy php8.1-xmlrpc php8.1-xsl php8.1-mbstring php8.1-zip php8.1-cli php8.1-bcmath php-bcmath php8.1-gmp php-curl php8.1-fpm php8.1-mcrypt nano curl
- Composer +2
- Node JS +16
- Server with SSH that has Permissions, not shared server without any permissions
- VPS at least 6GB Ram to be able to execute orders smoothly
- VPS at least 250GB Storage
- Make sure the provider allows the services of trading or referral system you are going to implant
- Make sure the VPS country is allowed by the provider you going to purchase like Binance or Kucoin or use Ecosystem if u want global coverage without the usage of providers
- Ubuntu 20
- Composer +2.2.5
- Node JS +16
- VPS with root access
Our Installation Service:
- Fully Server Setup from Scratch
- Full Installation with all services
- We Require an Ubuntu system for the installation process if an empty VPS or Cpanel with WHM or a panel with root access
Security Notes:
- After support inquiries that require debugging any internal issues in your VPS, you always have to secure and change your credentials for security and never share them with any third-party
- If you use an unauthorized version and face any issues/errors or face security issues then we are not responsible for that.
- The support team never contacts and makes offers and discounts, our discounts are exclusively in Envato Marketplace, always be careful
🌟100% Genuine Guarantee And Malware Free Code.
⚡Note: Please Avoid Nulled And GPL CMC PHP Scripts.
Version May 07 2023: - patched withdraw error notification - patched error handling of withdraw method creation - added messages to validate of withdrawal method creation - minor patch for not found routes in the cron manager - added a new helper function to check the encryption status - added system log viewer with the ability to clean logs - improved update checking logic - hidden frozen wallet until further development - improved all table's pagination responsiveness - improved users import UI/UX - improved footer UI/UX on admin dash - improved footer UI/UX languages dropdown padding to show more languages - improved trading g page margins - improved market info UI/UX and responsiveness - improved trading page UI/UX and responsiveness - improved wallet connect auto connect and removed request of signature while logged in - added animated SVG loading on market info and order book and trades cards - improved icons of tokens in market info with animation - patched third-party confirmation of payment decimals - patched Kucoin decimals on the withdrawal page
Version 2.6.5 May 04 2023: - improved responsiveness of orders on phones on the trading page - improved UI/UX of the order book on phones - improved responsiveness of wallets pagination - improved responsiveness of tokens in the API manager - improved responsiveness of orders in binary trading - completely reworked cron manager with a new live table and more details of all crons and what they doing and when was their last run - added methods to all crons to store their last run - added method to open crons on a new page on click - added method to copy crons URL on click - added method to show the severity of the cron if it's been a long time since its last run - added method to identify not working crons - patched investments not closing properly - patched popup edit/create pages end date picker and parser - patched popups not running on the user side - improved popups UI/UX - improved popups loading - added a new method to delay the initial load of the popup for 5 seconds - added a method to delay the time between popups for 4 seconds - added a method to auto-close popups on the duration expiration time - improved dashboard markets responsiveness and design to get rid of layout shifts - patched builder saving process where some VPSs have a mismatch of public path duo to misconfigured htaccess - patched platform manager saving of MLM settings removing Unilevel settings when changing to binary system - improved platform manager MLM inputs and added default values in case the admin removed his MLM settings from the database manually - patched deposit pay preview to show the requested amount in the correct symbol - improved admin deposit preview - improved manual deposit approval mail template - improved design of payment preview - improved return link after payment approval - improved table to show even rejected logs then the admin can hide them from filters if he wants - improved currency usage in manual deposit methods - added description of how the rate is calculated - added open exchange rates API to sync the latest currency rates with 1 click from the currency manager - added open exchange rates in general settings with a link to create an app id - added the ability to create scripts to add in footer automatically like Google Analytics - added snippets of how script or style is added - patched investment recommended option toggle
Version 2.6.4 May 02 2023: - patched withdrawal step in trading wallets - added permissions and settings for the release of the Mailwiz addon - added database records of the Mailwiz addon - added requirements, node modules, and packages for the release of the swap addon - added API method for markets (symbols) - added API method for tickers of all markets - improved frontend builder html files reader to prevent the need to add the base URL of the directory to all links and assets - added dynamic links handler for frontend templates - added ability to plug and play any html template and auto search and properly assign its paths - added autoroute generator for the frontend templates - added auto assets links replacer - added auto deep links replacer - the improved file manager of the frontend builder - added the ability to upload new zip templates and extract them into the appropriate folder - added ability to rename, and delete images - added ability to rename, and delete templates - highly improved styling, design, and stability of frontend builder - added image zoom lighthouse - patched dashboard markets not showing if eco is disabled
Version 2.6.3 April 25 2023: - patched the calculation of the received amount on mail - improved order book depth data calculation for ask and bids to be the live calculation on every change in the order book - patched withdraw rate, limits, fees steps, and the minimum amount to allow decimals - added required status to instructions - patched instructions loading - reworked wallets system - main wallets page now has a table to show all wallets of each type without the need to have to create a wallet button and then select from modal - wallets with balances will now show first in the table - wallets will be sorted by their balance - added a new dedicated page for wallets and their info and transactions - added total balance, in-order balance, and available balance to the wallet page - separated wallet transactions info into 3 separate columns to add sorting options - improved responsiveness and UI/UX of actions buttons - compacted wallets into currencies where the client sees all currencies as wallets but those he has no wallet of will have to create a button instead of a view - increased trading wallet deposit verification range by 5 folds - updated modals to prevent backdrop and closing the modals when clicking on the background - added the new UTXO cron to the cron manager with the ideal time to run it - patched stripe payment gateway - improved main wallet details setup - improved wallet details watcher to live update balance on new deposits - patched issue in some VPSs the trading wallets don't show for new users - added animation on the closing of the models on the user side - added animation on hover and on click to all buttons sitewide - removed eco markets in the binary trading page - updated SDK to 2.0.5 - added titles, params, and descriptions to all APIs docs - improved API responses of ecosystem - improved button classes - added transfers from main to trading or funding to wallet transaction reports - compacted date and hidden id from wallet transactions - added method to approve transfers from main to trading wallets in wallet transactions - patched time dropdown in the binary trading page - patched winning count of the binary dashboard - improved create/edit page of plans
Version 2.5.8 April 21 2023: - refactored wallets component to smaller pieces for performance - moved all functionality of wallets to the Pinia store for caching and performance - improved importing of wallet connect component - added sidebar refresh to update the page - added country and phone selection on registration if the phone is enabled in the platform manager - added auto country detector to the registration page - added auto phone prefix detector to the registration page - patched auth test in SMTP testing - added a very comprehensive explanation of all functionality in the platform manager - added dark mode default status to the platform manager - patched investment today profit calculation - improved decimals placed in investment cards - patched precision of amount and price if using Kucoin provider - patched filters of deposit and withdrawal logs - added third-party deposits to the deposits page with a second tab - added ability to remove pending third-party deposits - patched logo on terms and privacy pages and forget password and verification page - added method and modal to confirm payment of the third party if pending and make a transaction and wallet transaction and email and notification and movement of funds on the third party with 1 click - patched currencies to table cron to remove not found currencies and add new fetched currencies and remove currencies with an empty symbol - patched daily profit to calculate after 1 day passed since the investment - patched register page validation to show errors under failed inputs - patched register page auto-complete of first name, last name - patched required condition for the phone field if enabled - added error messages for every condition on the register page - the patched issue with visiting tickets not related to the use, will show an error and return to the tickets page - modified charge of transfer from funding to trading and from trading to funding to 0 as there are no fees in transfers - patched wallets add/subtract balanced input to show a symbol of the wallet instead of the general currency of the site - added transaction link checker with the support of 20 chain explorers to view the amount sent by the client on the deposits page for manual approval - added KYC verification on binary live trading - patched KYC date picker - patched bulk actions of products and categories and licenses of e-commerce - removed bulk actions of orders of e-commerce - improved KYC card styling - improved refer card styling - patched KYC card links to the correct path of the KYC module - patched frontend trade page - improved markets tabs scroller - added button loader to investment submission button - heavily improved order book performance and UI and lowered its ram and CPU usage - improved order book numbers formatting by precision - patched decimal places only show 2 if the number above 1 - heavily improved trades card - improved trades numbers formatting by precision - improved orders decimal counter - heavily reduced dom on order book cards by utilizing VUE's new features - added message if no trade shows up yet when visiting the trade page - improved limits of minimum cost for Binance provider - completely refactored third-party order card to smaller components and fixed logic issue - patched fee calculation for Binance provider - patched orders precision - patched dashboard real-time market WebSocket - added support to the scientific notation of precision - added dashboard validator to check if admin forgot to do markets refresh after changing providers and if so it will make the needed call and then load the dashboard - added symbols to the amount and fee inputs of deposit manual confirmation of third-party orders - patched editing KYC templates in the email manager - patched lost trades counter in binary practice and live dashboard - patched user icon shows as an error if he didn't add a profile picture - improved investment cards UI/UX - patched logo to change on dark/light mode changes on the user and admin side - added a new default image for the user if not found - patched withdrawal on the Binance provider - improved calculating of changes in the dashboard - added support to - added web socket for tickers for Binance and Binance US in the dashboard and markets page - removed old format total function in the markets list
Version 2.5.0 April 11 2023: - user details page minor patch - minor patches to email notifications to enable saving of multiple methods for mail at the same time - improved wallet collector - patched issue where it shows all markets on the trade page even disabled markets - patched all tables filtering of usernames if the user field is found - improved all tables username checking if a user is found or not and styling to inform admin if a user is removed - patched a minor issue in deposits, withdrawals, transactions, wallet transactions tables - added a method to hide chains that are under update on provider if using a third-party provider like Binance until it's enabled back again - patch to fetch order cron with the latest Binance API updates - improved fetch_order cron with more concise code and better error handling - improved fetch_deposits cron with more concise code, better error handling, and a more streamlined structure - highly improved ordering on third-party - patched styling of asks and bids in the order book of third-party trading - patched default language and fallback language - added htaccess rule to force http to HTTPS - improved dark mode local storage to support older browsers - removed decimal places from the statistics card in the binary dashboard - changed route of the dashboard to /app/dashboard - added default dashboard to platform manager - hidden trade pair unless the default dashboard is set to trading - patched investment log throw error if admin removed an investment plan - added cors link testing functionality from general settings directly - added a very modern terminal in the admin dashboard to run the commands required after updates using envoy, echo, and pusher for live real-time results - added yarn, yarn build, php artisan optimize, php artisan storage:link, composer update commands to envoy - added a list of guides to what each function do - patched a minor issue with the language switcher - removed a lot of redundant files - added websocket support for the ecosystem - improved Russian language translation - added terminal to system manager menu - added permissions to access terminal in menu or in update pages - added new guide and alert for terminal - patched envoy to run commands in needed folder - patch for echo import on terminal - added 2 more commands to storage link to clean old shortcuts and make new
Version 2.4.3 April 03 2023: - improved email manager to save old settings of email on changing methods - removed text editor from email general template to be able to set html codes easier as admin only need html code for email template wrapper - patched issue where the user login was identifying the vps ip as the user IP - added support to ip-api - added support to - added support to - added support to - added support to - added a method to check if there's a significant difference in their IP or location, then it will notify the user - added a new notification template to inform the client if new login is detected from new ip - patched transactions log amount colors if it's positive in green and negative in red - renamed charges to fees for a better understanding - added details of the transaction to the transactions log - highly improved image uploader coding - added a button to only remove viewed notifications - improved UI/UX and added dark mode support to the notifications table and improved the view of viewed notifications - added a button to view notifications from the notification table - highly improved UI/UX of the investments index page - improved responsiveness of investment create and edit pages - removed live chat addon from the extensions page to be a free update to bicrypto core - completely reworked the support page for the admin to real-time live chat - completely reworked support page for user to vue component with real-time live chat - added a new vue page to support ticket creation which will push to the chat page on success - added csrf token validator to check if csrf token is valid before trying to log in to make sure error 419 don't show up to clients - patched deposit method removal response - patched issue with admin manual methods approval of deposit shows wrong amount received in transaction and mail - completely refactored DepositController for very organized and fast processing of deposits - patched issue with email delivery - improved notification helper - added bulk users importer - added support to CSV file imports - added template generator of accepted csv file - added template validator to make sure csv has valid users - added method to bypass already-found users and only create new users - added javascript method to immediately list all imported users
Version 2.4.2 Mar 31 2023: - minor patch for wallets response - patch for wallets images if not found on lazy loading - improved binary trading dashboard component by splitting it to smaller components and improving building size to - highly improved bundling size by lazy loading flags instead of bundling them - patched sidebar backdrop on light and dark mode - moved sidebar and navbar, footer to smaller component for performance and smaller bundle size - reduced calls if the news is enabled on the user dashboard where it only gets news after the user open the news bar - removed trading view from bundling and moved it to lazy loading for better bundling and performance - patch for eco upgrade - fixed editing country for users from the admin side - added bulk activate and deactivation markets for providers - fixed sidebar don't show on phones for some users - improved sidebar on route changing it will collapse to default status - improved pagination responsiveness of the dashboard page
Version 2.3.7 Mar 30 2023: - added ability to enable/disable news on the right sidebar in the user dashboard - patched KYC template not showing only enabled fields - patched extra fields submission where it shows an error if the user submits any data in custom fields - patched KYC extra fields not showing on the admin dashboard - added notification counter to the admin notification icon - fixed unlimited redirects issue in admin notification - added a method to hide clicked notifications - patched manually removed KYC by admin then clicking on the notification for that KYC will show an error - reworked notifications table - added a button to clean all notifications from database - increased the limit of notification titles and added a new field for messages for more advanced reports for the admin
Version 2.3.5 Mar 20 2023: - added frontend builder to check if the file size is within the allowed limit before saving it. - added frontend builder check to ensure that the file has to write permissions and the path is correct. - minor patches to the investment card - patched investment cron calculation where it was giving profit multiple times if cron run multiple times on the same day - patched end date in the admin investment log table - patched dashboard market list to show only markets with active status - enhanced ecosystem trading only option to show only ecosystem markets in the markets dashboard - added p2p network fees to general settings - enhanced general settings updating method - improved userStore data and roles fetching - added pusher and broadcaster settings in general settings - added required routes, and controllers for the p2p addon - added ability to activate and install p2p from the extensions manager - upgraded the wallet connects to the new methods and providers
Version 2.3.5 Mar 20 2023: - added ability to enable/disable news on the right sidebar in the user dashboard - patched KYC template not showing only enabled fields - patched extra fields submission where it shows an error if the user submits any data in custom fields - patched KYC extra fields not showing on the admin dashboard - added notification counter to the admin notification icon - fixed unlimited redirects issue in admin notification - added a method to hide clicked notifications - patched manually removed KYC by admin then clicking on the notification for that KYC will show an error - reworked notifications table - added a button to clean all notifications from database - increased the limit of notification titles and added a new field for messages for more advanced reports for the admin - patch for wallets images if not found on lazy loading
Version 2.3.5 Mar 20 2023: - added frontend builder to check if the file size is within the allowed limit before saving it. - added frontend builder check to ensure that the file has to write permissions and the path is correct. - minor patches to the investment card - patched investment cron calculation where it was giving profit multiple times if cron run multiple times on the same day - patched end date in the admin investment log table - patched dashboard market list to show only markets with active status - enhanced ecosystem trading only option to show only ecosystem markets in the markets dashboard - added p2p network fees to general settings - enhanced general settings updating method - improved userStore data and roles fetching - added pusher and broadcaster settings in general settings - added required routes, and controllers for the p2p addon - added ability to activate and install p2p from the extensions manager - upgraded the wallet connects to the new methods and providers
Version 2.3.0 Feb 28 2023: - patched provider markets enable/disable function - patched admin icon send to error 404 - added investment system to the bicrypto core - added admin investment manager with the ability to create multiple plans with minimum maximum amount and duration and interest rate - added new cron to give interest rates and close investments on completion - added a new user page to show all investments and his total invested and profit - added investment logs component - added cards to show investment plans with total investors and interest rate
Version 2.2.6 Feb 20 2023: - enhanced email manager header ui - enhanced sms settings ui and responsiveness - system updater ui enhancement - fixed View all notification buttons - added mobile detector and it will change how the user dashboard button to the icon on phones - hidden the logo on the admin dashboard on phones - patched support tickets on the admin dashboard - added API method for deposit - added API method for fetching wallets addresses - added API method for fetching wallets transactions - added API method for user orders - added API method for spot and limit trading - added paginate to long JSON response with the ability to select pages to API - enhanced the option (enable only ecosystem pairs) UI/UX - patched kucoin withdrawal show error in some cases - patched date of transactions shows the current date as the creation date - enhanced responsiveness for binary trade and practice logs - enhanced responsiveness for the wallet logs page - fixed issue with icons not loading - enhanced responsiveness for orders logs - enhanced KYC form in case no extra fields are found - enhanced responsiveness for markets alerts - enhanced order book coding - added arrow indicator of the last price in the order book - enhanced markets virtual scroller - added live prices and market changes in the markets list - added virtual markets filters - added price filter for the live markets - added day change filter for the live markets - major js cleaning and Vue coding enhancement - refactored users detail function - patched user update function on the admin dashboard - patched issue in editing provider payment gateway - patched sms settings updating and testing - patch for admin KYC application view - reworked frontend trading page to Vue 3 - patched provider markets view - patched the issue where pinia is not able to store the markets properly in the user's local storage - set dark mode globally as the default theme color - added a new dashboard for kucoin provider users (all providers except binance) as the initial stage into releasing more dashboards for the main page to initiate trading due to the fact binance bans many countries - added live ticker charting to kucoin dashboard - patch for error 403 invalid signature in some cases where vps run behind a reverse proxy - enhanced markets loading in some cases but disabled its caching until further enhancements for maximum compatibility - after the KYC application user profile in the admin dashboard will show the KYC details and status of the KYC application with a button to quickly go to that client's KYC - reworked support tickets - patched issue in kucoin trading where it doesn't show proper precision duo to kucoin API - patched issue with coinbase pro markets listing - added token creation in the admin API manager - added 3 new API abilities in the API manager - added login, register API calls with auth ability in the token - added ability to create an account if login failed with session token returns on the API call message for live login from third-party sites with sessions middleware - added news API with the ability to fetch the latest news without the need for API from third parties - added chart API - added order book api - added proper spacing between deposit withdraw buttons in wallet details - highly improved performance by lazy loading languages - added ability to change pairs in the dashboard - added volumes in the dashboard - fixed issue with KYC if approved - patched trading in kucoin - patched price steps in binance, kucoin - patched order placing types handling - patched issue where the same support tickets show to multiple users
Version 2.2.4 Feb 05 2023: - enhanced responsiveness for binary trade and practice logs - enhanced responsiveness for the wallet logs page - fixed issue with icons not loading - enhanced responsiveness for orders logs - enhanced KYC form in case no extra fields are found - enhanced responsiveness for markets alerts - enhanced order book coding - added arrow indicator of the last price in the order book - enhanced markets virtual scroller - added live prices and market changes in the markets list - added virtual markets filters - added price filter for the live markets - added day change filter for the live markets - major js cleaning and Vue coding enhancement - refactored users detail function - patched user update function on the admin dashboard - patched issue in editing provider payment gateway - patched sms settings updating and testing - patch for admin KYC application view - reworked frontend trading page to Vue 3 - patched provider markets view - patched the issue where pinia is not able to store the markets properly in the user\'s local storage - set dark mode globally as the default theme color - added a new dashboard for kucoin provider users (all providers except binance) as the initial stage into releasing more dashboards for the main page to initiate trading due to the fact binance bans many countries - added live ticker charting to kucoin dashboard - patch for error 403 invalid signature in some cases where vps run behind a reverse proxy - enhanced markets loading in some cases but disabled its caching until further enhancements for maximum compatibility - after the KYC application user profile in the admin dashboard will show the KYC details and status of the KYC application with a button to quickly go to that client\'s KYC - reworked support tickets - patched issue in kucoin trading where it doesn\'t show proper precision duo to kucoin API - patched issue with coinbase pro markets listing - added token creation in the admin API manager - added 3 new API abilities in the API manager - added login, register API calls with auth ability in the token - added ability to create an account if login failed with session token returns on the API call message for live login from third-party sites with sessions middleware - added news API with the ability to fetch the latest news without the need for API from third parties - added chart API - added order book api
Version 2.1.0 Dec 26, 2022: - added 4 filters to KYC live table - removed the sidebar menus regarding the KYC as they are now integrated into the live table - removed social login temporarily until its functionality is added - performance boost by adding ajax calls for KYC status updating - added bulk delete action to the KYC manager - reworked KYC submission page - add polish language support - patched trading wallet deposit array to string issue - enhanced dashboard responsiveness on phone devices - hidden logo on phones - fixed activate/deactivate extensions btn - added support to arbitrum, avalanche, bsc, fantom, mainnet, optimism, and polygon blockchains in walletConnect - completely reworked the design and speed of the walletConnect - support to mobile devices wallets in walletConnect - add the ability to change networks in walletConnect - enhanced responsiveness for the dashboard - enhanced responsiveness for header - enhanced responsiveness for wallets and trading pages - patched option to select mainnet or testnet - patched user dashboard btn caused redirect in some domains - patched wallet deposit, withdraw, listing on kucoin, coinbase pro - enhanced UI - added support to some VPSs with redirection problem - added error handler for Binance third-party debug to inform the client if his VPS in a country banned by binance - added new API tokens management for users - added ability to create, edit, and remove up to 10 tokens from each client - added full API documentation for the platform - added the ability to send posts and get responses with results and the ability to modify the body and parameters in the API docs - added full docs to the ecosystem as a starting point and will keep adding all the features of the system to api - added eco markets, order book, orders, trades in public API of ecosystem - added users orders create wallets, and addresses in the private API of the ecosystem - added API validation with a token for private API calls - added transfer, withdraw, and trade permissions to the API management system - patched deposits log page - patched manual deposit create and edit validator - added KYCs XML extension exporter - added KYC XLSX exporter - added ability to create multiple templates of KYC applications - added ability to enable or disable all fields - added the ability to make fields required or not - added ability to add custom text, textarea, files fields - added step 3 for extra information from the user that will show the custom fields added by the admin - added date picker to user KYC submission (DOB) - patched the issue of binary trading where it shows incorrect results due to minor differences between the initiator and the executor of trade - fixed minor issues on the funding wallet where the deposit button is hidden in minor cases where an address was made white using coinbase pro provider - removed API creation on the admin dashboard as the method is now managed by each user for them selfs - reworked management of APIs with edit and delete option - enhanced optimizer command - patched 1 route duplicated name that shows up in serialization
Version 2.0.0 - Dec 18, 2022: - upgraded laravel 8 to laravel 9 - upgraded vue 2 to vue 3 - added pinia for state management - added modals caching - added modals cache cleaning on any actions with keys for every model - added persistent state for vue to boost speed and prevent recalls to the database if there is no new data changed - added persistent state cache cleaning on every action in the user dashboard - changed bootstrap 5 to tailwind for utility-first CSS framework with better and faster building and more control over designs - reworked all auth pages to new designs with button loaders on submission - patched user login recorder - completely reworked all platform header, sidebar, and footer with persistent theme control for every user - added persistent data storing for large data like market lists to prevent recalling them on page visits - enhanced dark mode design and colors - reworked user management with livewire tables with sorting, filtering, bulk actions ability - reworked user detail page with wallets table to livewire tables with sorting, filtering, bulk actions ability - added ajax calls to wallet operations for immediate processing of operations - added ajax calls to email sending for immediate processing of operations - reworked deposit methods with livewire tables with sorting, filtering, bulk actions ability - reworked deposit method edited page design - reworked deposit logs with livewire tables with sorting, filtering, bulk actions ability - reworked withdraw methods with livewire tables with sorting, filtering, bulk actions ability - reworked withdraw method edit page design - reworked withdraw logs with livewire tables with sorting, filtering, bulk actions ability - reworked tickets page with livewire tables with sorting, filtering, bulk actions ability - reworked tickets reply page - reworked transactions log, wallet transactions, binary logs, exchange logs, login history with livewire tables with sorting, filtering, bulk actions ability - removed the need for cors if admin doesn\'t have cors to allow the trading page to run without cors for users in countries allowed by the third parties - reworked the design of all platform managers with new toggles and removed the options that were removed from a platform like a frontend loader option - completely hidden all headers, sidebar, and footer on frontend builder for more control over the page with a back button to go back to the admin dashboard - reworked design of email manager, logo manager, SEO manager, cron manager, API manager, locale manager - added livewire tables to sidebar manager, popups manager, currency manager, providers manager, extensions manager - reworked design of update, activate, and database optimizer pages - reworked admin notifications design and added caching to boost its speed - reworked user dashboard to show markets with live data and the ability to visit the trade page from there - completely reworked trading page design - reworked order book to a method that will use 5% CPU instead of 20% on older versions with better sorting, and precision and less dom adding where it will change the defined number of dom elements on new data - reworked the order page and fixed many reports of limits errors and added the ability to inform the client of the minimum cost he can buy with and minimum amounts and prices and precision to show correct decimals on amounts and better price calculation on price, amount, total cost changing and state management to keep data for faster utilization with range picker to pick amounts of purchase like Binance with a loader on actions and highly enhanced loading speed - added the limit order on providers trading with the ability to cancel limit orders if orders are not filled with filling refresher - completely reworked orders table - completely reworked binary dashboard and highly enhanced loading speed - changed the charting on orders in binary options with a percentage slider to show how much was left of the order with a lot of patching and better processing and faster loading of data and reworked contracts logs with a high-speed boost of 500% less bundle size - reworked binary contract logs with persistent data - reworked wallets page with persistent data for faster loading - added lazy loader for images - reworked funding wallet deposit, withdraw pages, preview, and payment pages - reworked all reports and logs pages - redesigned toaster - added obfuscation for pinia persistent data - added better control of 419 error to send a client to the login page on session expiration in user pages - upgraded mix to vite for a very faster bundling and better chunking and compression
Version 1.6.2 - Dec 1, 2022: - removed unneeded fields from the wallet detail page to show more important info - enhanced order book total amount format - patched issue where the KYC page shows type not found - patched change site name in mails - patched save email as PHP mailer show $enc not defined - patched PHP mail sending HTML as a text and not a code to be parsed - patched email manager not showing all templates - patched not ability to disable push notification - patched email setting notification link throwing error - added code editor to TinyMCE editor in email manager template edit pages - patched funding wallet to show even if only the ecosystem option is enabled as they are important for all the other addons
Version 1.6.1 - Nov 23 2022: - added a new mailing system - added an SMS notification system - added support for Clickatell SMS provider - added support for infobip SMS provider - added support for messageBird SMS provider - added support for Nexmo SMS provider - added support for smsBroadcast SMS provider - added support for Twilio SMS provider - added support for textMagix SMS provider - added ability to add your own custom SMS service - added support for Mailjet mailing API - added support for SendGrid mailing API - added PHP mailer - added more support to smtps - completely reworked frontend manager to live drag & drop frontend builder - added Components and blocks/snippets drag and drop and in page insert. - added Undo/Redo operations. - added ability to set One or two panels interface. - added File manager and component hierarchy navigation. - added Add new page modal with template and folder options. - added Live code editor with codemirror plugin syntax highlighting. - added Image upload. - added Page download or export HTML or save the page on the server - added Components/Sections/Blocks list search. - added Bootstrap 5 components. - added Media gallery with integrated CC0 image search and server upload support. - added Image, video, and iframe elements resize handles. - added Elements breadcrumb for easier parent elements selection. - added Full Google fonts list support for font selection. - added Youtube, Google maps, Charts.js, etc widgets. - added an Optional CKEditor plugin to replace the built-in text editor. - added a Zip download plugin to download the page and all assets as zip files. - added SVG Icon component bundled with hundreds of free icons. - added Animate on scroll support for page elements. - added Theme global typography and color palette editor. - completely reworked all email templates - added ability to edit the design of the email template - added ability to edit SMS and push notification design - reworked fortify mailing to use the new mailing system - reworked default template to be a fully editable template - added access permission to the knowledge base addon - added ability to verify/unverified users from the main page with the ability of bulk actions without the need of entering each account to verify them manually - removed referral bonus input from general settings - removed verification and status switches from the user details page - completely reworked the binary practice logs page to the new live table with filters and the ability to export all logs - completely reworked the binary trade logs page to the new live table with filters and the ability to export all logs - minor patch to funding wallets JSON response if a new account is made that has no wallets at all - patched changing languages in a few locales that were not working as intended - patched the ability to use only the ecosystem to hide funding and trading wallets - enhanced third-party manager loading speed to only check enabled providers for updates - enhanced third-party manager to only show markets and currencies of the enabled provider - completely reworked third-party orders and exchange orders table with bulk actions and export - hid eco trading tab from binary trading - patched wallet connect refreshing of wallets card in page header after connection status changes - patched login redirect to admin dashboard if the client is not a manager and goes to the home page and clicks login again - integrated one signal with specified user notification SDK - added ability to set one signal environment info from the admin dashboard - hidden the limit orders for providers trading until the cancel limit order is released very soon - added quick guide to the frontend builder - reworked sidebar activation to disable sidebars of add-ons that are not owned by admin manually and activate the addons that are owned and enabled - compacted a huge list of sidebar submenus after adding live tables and removed redundant routes - removed a huge list of unneeded files after the upgrade of frontends to use a live frontend editor with fast HTML files for faster page loading
Version 1.6.0 - Nov 12 2022: - added ability to completely disable funding and trading providers pairs and show only eco system pairs from the platform manager - patched withdrawals log details page - added a new platform manager tab for the ecosystem - added a new market card to show tabs on the ecosystem - patched popups images - patched binary profit chart in the admin dashboard to show how much he earns from clients lose - patched frontend no party trading before login - added add to favorite for ecosystem pairs - patched error 403 on visiting the profile page as admin from the user dashboard - optimized page header loading speed - optimized wallet connect connection speed on the user dashboard by reducing web3 calls - optimized Vue watcher in the wallets page to prevent extra fetching calls on router change - massively optimized the loading speed of the trading page by upgrading the markets card to a virtual lister - completely reworked markets search engine to virtual lister to prevent accessive dom element for a speed boost - added alphabetically sorter for watchlists - completely reworked providers\' currencies pages to a livewire table with activate, deactivate, and delete options with bulk actions for easier management of currencies - patch for MLM unilevel BV for levels 6 and 7 on trading and deposit - added the ability to change the default dashboard page that the client will see after login - icon link in the dashboard will route to the default dashboard set by the admin - optimized the loading speed of markets by reducing eloquent calls
Version - Nov 03 2022: - patched admin wallet regeneration for trading wallets - added a new platform manager for mobile devices - added ability to enable/disable market info from the trading page to optimize mobile performance - added ability to enable/disable trades from the trading page to optimize mobile performance - added ability to enable/disable charting from the trading page to optimize mobile performance - added ability to enable/disable orders from the trading page to optimize mobile performance - added ability to enable/disable order book info from the trading page to optimize mobile performance - enhanced order cards and converted them to sticky cards on mobile - added ability to set the total price to buy or sell - added roles and permissions manager - reworked menu to JSON file instead of the database for faster loading - added permissions and roles on all aspects of the admin dashboard and all addons - added 154 permissions - added ability to assign managers with a set of permissions - added ability to disable any part of the sidebar menu - added ability to prevent access to any part of the system - added ability to hide the sidebar if the manager doesn\'t have access to that role - patched sidebar for admin dashboard to show what menu is active when u visit a new page - cleaned a huge list of not needed dependencies - optimized value components lazy loading - patched user sidebar to show which menu is active when the menu is collapsed - optimized WebSockets closing on trading and binary trade pages to prevent unneeded ram usage - patched charting screen size on the trading widget - added ability to create pre-defined roles - added the ability to export all clients - added better livewire tables with sorting and search functionality - reworked admin dashboard to show cards and buttons depending on available permissions - completely reworked the sidebar manager to edit all aspects of the sidebars - added icon picker to the sidebar manager - added ability to select permission to sidebar item - added ability to edit submenus of sidebars - moved frontend, extensions, and providers from settings to the system manager - completely removed blog, guzzle, psr7 packages for security - replaced intervention image 2 to version 3 for faster and better image processing - added translatable strings to all texts in the platform and addons - minor patches for the installer - updated installer base version - patched update popups
Version 1.5.8 - Oct 23 2022: - add check update button to admin dashboard - patched frontend image updating - replaced admin dashboard preloader with lazy loader - added user dashboard language manager - added 20 languages to admin and user dashboard - merged all locale files of each language to json files for faster loading
Version 1.5.7 - Oct 22 2022: - patched notification icons - added notification removal button - added a method to hide the trading wallet in the header card if no provider is enabled - patched sending emails directly - binary refresh wallet balance in practice mode after the order is placed - enhanced speed of fetching wallet balance after trade in binary trading - patched transfer funding allows negative amounts - patched transactions alternative currency rates - patched deposits alternative currency rates - patched withdrawals alternative currency rates - patched withdrawing amount to allow alternative currency rates in wallet charging - patched manual and automated deposit alternative currency rates calculating - patched trading wallet withdrawal card auto-selection of the main network - enhanced deposit methods styling in the admin dashboard - added a notification to inform the admin to clean the browser page after updating of the logo - added image resizer to logos to make sure its always in the correct sizing
Version 1.5.6 - Oct 21 2022: - added new designs to be chosen for 5 authentication pages - patch for wallet connect addon - moved third-party token authentications to new middleware under session with the ability to return token on verified API call - added methods to edit, remove tokens - added a new cron to check updates instead of checking it every time u enter the admin dashboard which will cause slowness in the dashboard - added new binary trading charts for the admin dashboard - added new deposit withdrawal charting for the admin dashboard - patched unverified users count - optimized admin dashboard speed - added trading buy and sell charts
Version 1.5.4 - Oct 17 2022: - optimized important js files from 11mb to 600kb only - optimized trading page loading speed - loading of moralis and web3 wallets only if addon enabled to enhance page loading speed - optimized wallet connect toggle card to hide after connection or disconnection without the need to click connect wallet button - patched subtracted deposits calculations - patched currencies manager search method - patched binary wins/loses chart and added percentage indicator to the charts - patched binary practice show no enough balance in some cases - optimizations to binary ordering speed - patched binary trades card - added method to completely disable/enable blog system - added new validator to prevent error on some updates where u required to do a task, now it will work without doing the task but you still need u to do the task for faster processing - added support for the ukrainian language for user frontend - added menus translation support - added a method to disable dynamic cards on trading page and switch it to static cards - patched charting not allowing user to click on market orders unless focused - enhanced trades table
Version 1.5.0 - Oct 04 2022: - Added the brand new native trading system addon - added ability to deploy ERC20 tokens in a few seconds - added ability to register the Token in the blockchain - added ability to sync the token with the ledger - added ability to make virtual ledger to have feeless trading - added brand new Whitelabel charting library for the native trading system - added ability to add unlimited indicators to the charts - added the ability to make markets - added ability to generate real blockchain wallets and receive their xpub, mnemonic, private key, and address from within - added ability to add deployed token to metamask with 1 click - added ability to generate deposit addresses for that token - added new wallet type (main wallets) that belongs to native trading which is tokens belonging to admins - added a new trading algorithm to matchmake the asks and bids - added new withdraw method to directly withdraw from virtual ledger to real blockchain with 1 click - added ability to get balance directly by sending to the deposit address made in main wallets - added ability to watch over ledger accounts in your block - added ability to add your own wallet to use in the native trading to deploy tokens from and into - added ability to link your own token into the system without the need to deploy a new token - added a new tab on the trading page (recommended) to show the new markets made by the admin - added new 5 settings in general settings to take control of your blockchain API - added fees collecting account - added 0 fees trading system
Version - Sep 12 2022: - added data not found in the image on the users wallet list in user manager if the user has no wallets - added frozen wallet list on user details page in user manager - added method to create / remove/ enable / disable frozen wallet - added method to add or subtract balance from frozen wallet with email sending - added a card in the user dashboard to view the frozen wallet if enabled by the admin and if it has a balance - patched issue in deposit cron - patched deposit button in coinbase pro wallet deposit - removed the scroll to the top of the trade page as it\'s not needed - updated binary to use the charting library if eco system add-on is enabled - updated order book icons to binance icons - enhanced speed by disabling loading of heavy js unless they are needed - enhanced moralis loading - updated binary dashboard wallet card to the new animated background - added new overwrite for theme backgrounds on /assets/scss/variables/ with guide on gitbook how to use it - patched binary dashboard circular chart of trades percentage - patched market analysis chart issue where it was not reading correct cors link - patched topbar buttons on market analysis - patched issues were changing from user to admin and back to user will make the user become demo admin - added conditional link of knowledge base to footer if addon enabled - added links to the privacy policy and terms of use to the footer - removed the icon from the header of the privacy policy and terms of use pages - added new input for images for favicon with the size of 16 x 16 px - added live chat to the admin dashboard if the live chat addon is enabled
Version - Sep 17 2022:
- added Popups manager
- added ability to add multiple popups
- added ability to add HTML code in popups
- added ability to set duration and end date of popup
- added ability for the user to disable the popup for himself only
- patch for walletConnect addon
- Blog comments patched
- added Under Maintenance page and controller to be enabled from platform manager
- added method to prevent login of users and send back to Maintenance page and only allow admin logins to pass
- added phone number option to platform settings to enable phone number in registration page
- patched wallet transactions show other clients
- huge list of patching and upgrades listed in MLM addon patch
- preparation patch for native trading
- preparation patch for livechat addon
- patch for platform settings
- added new deposit fees controller where admin can set if the fees are added or subtracted on funding wallets
- patched manual deposit commissions
- patched user creation for MLM
Version - Sep 5 2022:
- Patch login error 419
- Blog patch
- Wallet Connect Patch
- Minor update to login page wallet connect
- Patched wallet deposit not transferring from main to trading wallet in kucoin
- Patched trading amount not reading as a number in some servers
- Patched orders not rerendering on changing pairs
- Patched withdraw not transferring tokens properly to the main wallet to process withdraw in kucoin
- Patched wallets do not show a funding wallet if the user doesn\'t have any trading wallet
- Reorganized Sidebar content for logs/deposit/withdraw
- Patched Blog
- Patched Binance wallets deposit card
- Patch for staking addon
- Preparatory patch for native trading
- Enhanced email settings updater to prevent wrong data entry causing issues in env file
Version - Jun 4 2022: - Enhanced responsiveness of wallet buttons on phones - Patched binary practice margin calculation - Added transaction log on trading wallet deposit - Added a New email template to notify the client when his deposit is verified in the blockchain - Added the ability to cancel and delete all logs of the pending transactions from the admin dashboard - Limited inputs max decimals to 8 decimals on trade pages - Changed default text of profile name in user header from John Doe to dots till profile loaded - Removed the main wallet tab on the wallets page until further updates - Added a new method to hide the deposit button on funding wallets if the admin didn\'t enable any deposit method - Patched Login History with logins recorder
Version - Jun 1 2022: - added dark logo, dark favicon with automatic changing when changing theme
- added price updater with favicon price rise/fall indicator in trading pages - upgraded trading page to allow changing of pairs without page reload - patched binance frontend trading page - added more error handlers on withdrawel - added knowledge base addon support - added categories, articles, tags, faq categories, faq questions manager on admin dash - updated extensions page to show upcoming or in planning addons before release
Version - Jul 11 2022: - added ability for admin to assign new admin from user manager - added ability for admin to verify/unverified users emails from user manager - patched withdraw email didn\'t contain symbols and currencies and the correct amount to receive - patched issue with deposit checking where if clients enter wrong transaction hash it will
throw an error and don\'t continue testing other transactions
Version - Jul 6 2022:
- fixed frontend trade changing pairs - Added markets refresher to run the needed crons after enabling the new provider
without the need to run the links manually - Added practice mode enabler where it converts all system to practice mode with no
deposits or withdrawals and admin add balances manually for clients - added tooltips explanations on providers\' manager buttons - added ability to place orders without provider - supported Binance provider - added deposit min/max in deposit card in Binance provider per chain - upgraded binary contract preview to Vue js - patched binary trading not saving logs with data
Version - Jun 22, 2022:
- Patched trading page in the frontend
- Patched add or edit categories in blog manager
- Enhanced error handling to inform the client if he putting an amount below the minimum of the provider
- Enhanced error handling to report if admin doesn\'t have a balance of a coin
Version - Jun 15 2022: - patched trading pages UI on phones - the auto stretch header on small devices - patched funding wallets on the trading dashboard if the provider is disabled - reworked exchange logs if no provider is enabled - patched trading page to use kucoin unified API and its pairs of no provider are enabled - patched input limit to only add amounts above negative value on the trading page - regular cleaning of old methods and views - added a validator to prevent limit trades if the price is 0 - disabled buy-sell buttons until the order book are loaded with an indicator of loading - fully changed order to make sure the price is always fetched from the order book - added validators on the front to make responses faster - added disabler on click-in wallet generator to prevent duplicated submissions - added provider fee cost to cron on limited orders - patched cron adds the amount to currency always in buy or sell, now it will put the appropriate amount and cost depending on the limit order type - added a better price filter to show more decimals only on need in the trading dashboard and orders card
Version - Jun 13 2022: - added more info to email settings inputs to prevent mistakes - increased size of email settings modal editor on all devices and fixed padding issue - added recommended notes on email settings - fixed binary minimum time not reading until u select one of the dropdown options - fixed adding balance to users from admin manager to validate symbol too if both wallets of different symbols using same eth address - the fixed page builder in settings to redirect to the extensions page if the admin didn\'t purchase it - fixed wallets if no provider is enabled by utilizing kucoin unified API - enhanced binary trading to work if no provider is enabled by utilizing kucoin unified API - added No Data Found image if the table is empty on the trading, dashboard, wallets pages - fixed open orders not showing if empty - patched blog admin - patched blog in frontend - a patched error where the client might try to place orders while pricing is not fetched yet - patched error if no referrer is set in deposit approval it will throw an error - enhanced error handling where if the admin forgets to set fees for trading it will inform him with an error message - enhanced orders card to refresh on trade placing - patched sell order stuck in live without price and cost and on cron run, it will not put amounts properly - patched wallets balance not updating properly on order placing - removed fetch addresses cron as its not needed anymore
Version - Jun 9, 2022: - added index file alert in the admin dashboard if the admin forget to remove it - added cors alert in the admin dashboard if the admin forget to add it - add email alert in admin dashboard if admin forgets to set email
Version - Jun 8, 2022: - patched country code issue in user details manager - enhanced forex coding logic - enhanced wallets cards effect in light mode - enhanced wallets UI - added animated gradient to active wallet card - enhanced trading page wallets card UI for light mode visibility - patched user details issue - patched page builder sidebar menu not showing - enhanced top navbar light mode visibility - enhanced wallet buttons responsiveness - upgraded page builder to make vue js pages using laravel - added fast reloader on-page of trading to prevent stacking of connected WebSockets until the issue with the vendor is patched (an issue in the vendor scripting) - patched updating profile first the last name will not update the full name and it will be hidden on the top navbar - site name in the general setting will be used as a name in mails - added info below transaction-id field in wallet deposit to make sure the client don\'t miss adding the id to receive his balance - enhanced sizing of QR cards on smaller devices - patched adding balance to the user in user manager if he has trading and funding of the same symbol it will go to the first wallet only - the limited total price of the purchase to 6 decimals on the order page
Version - Jun 6, 2022: - patched support page link - added a method to auto get cors link if admin forget to set it (useful for admins before update - fixed minor issue where creating funding wallet will create trading wallet instead - patched no error throw if kyc is enabled and client try to enter pages that require kyc like token ico which will show as empty page
Version - Jun 5, 2022: - patched if no provider enabled, all pages will show a blank page - patched if no icon is set it will show the default icon instead of not found (error 404 not found is a slow response) - patched if no provider set, it will set the public API of kucoin by default until the admin set a provider - installer updated to the latest version - enhanced system to not need doing yarn production after changing cors - enhanced system to allow using of git to update the files from your staging site to your development site precompiled without the need to redo yarn production on the production site - the patched issue in the user details view and register page for some admins - removed the need to cors text file and info now saved in the general settings table - less HTTP requests on the market analysis page - removed 1 cron that is not needed anymore after we changed markets to JSON file - fixed [] route not found on frontend - renamed password in providers to passphrase with appropriate guide to know which to add as many not knowing which pass to use - patched funding wallets deposit / withdraw - patched withdraw of funding wallet symbols and rates calculation - removed processing free from the funding wallet as it\'s integrated into charges - cleaned user routes after moving to vuejs - disabling coins in the provider manager will disable that pairing in trade/binary/bot - added option to enable/disable service worker from platform settings - removed bot setting from platform settings as we prepare for full rework of bot trader
Version 1.4.8 — Jun 6, 2022: - patched add to watchlist - increased size of buttons text and 24h change in trading page - added a global VueJs wrapper to convert the user side to VueJs - upgraded sidebar to VueJs - upgraded binary dashboard to VueJs - added sorting, filters to tables - upgraded binary trading and practice logs to VueJs - enhanced notification - added page routing transition - reworked KYC like kucoin where if its dex wallet like trading wallet it will not ask for KYC while in funding wallet it will ask for KYC on deposit / withdraw page - patched issue in the market sell - reworked marketToTable cron to clean old markets as some pairs get removed like LUNA and new are added instead and so admin can choose not to add this cron and only run it when he wants weekly or monthly as it cleans his disabled markets and put all to enabled again - reworked Token ico to be able to view multiple tokens like pink sale on VueJs - removed the 3d stuff as they were not compatible with safari - reworked stages to soft and hard caps to token ico - added liquidity lock-up time to token ico - added liquidity percentage identifier to token ico - added full details page to each token - added a new method to identify when each token will be released, ended, on sale - added liquidity to ico details page - added descriptions, address, and presale address of the token on the details page - added token for selling like BNB/ETH to identify which pairing u want to sell with - added rates for ico - added contributors to ico details - patched kucoin withdrawal that change how API works in some countries like France - patched fetch deposits cron to fix coinbase pro transaction blockchain fetcher - added live receiving wallet switcher for token ico - added on page rate calculator with wallet generator if client don\'t have the network wallet to use for payment - upgraded forex addon to VueJs - upgraded the market analysis - upgraded bot addon to VueJs - bot randomized profit will be disabled on the dashboard until further notice - upgraded staking to VueJs - upgraded staking logs to VueJs - upgraded wallets to VueJs - added Facebook skeleton UI to the loading cards for better performance and UI while loading API calls - upgraded MLM addon to VueJs - upgraded deposit, withdraw history to VueJs - upgraded transactions history to VueJs - news disabled until further notice when we will add a better news system - changed fetch routes to post to prevent clients from accessing JSON responses directly and to prepare for the native API release - patched market buy fee on order - patched market sell ordering - patched adding to watchlist validator to allow different clients to have same watchlists - added VueJs moment for better date filtering - added better responsive MetaTrader to Forex addon - fully changed creating wallets ui in my wallets page - eaten interactive image lazy loader to load images only when they are in view of the client for maximum performance - updated all vendors, nodes, and modules to the latest versions - added new VueJs QR generator for speed and responsiveness - added auto-generate wallet to staking addon if client visits the staking and he still didn\'t generate USDT wallet - added ability to add your own price to a staking coin if it doesn\'t exist on a third party which will allow you to add your own ERC20, TRC20, BSC20, or any network coin - added ability to assign your own coin icon if it\'s not found in our database of coin icons - reworked old router to VueJs router 3 - upgraded binary trading page to the new enhanced layout trading page with cards control - replaced the open orders page with a view of the current open binary trade - patched the rise, and fall button UI on the binary trading page - added markets, trades, and favorites to the binary trading page - added markets, favorites to bot trader - upgrade bot trader to the new trading layout - removed all links of market analysis that go to trading or binary until we release the market analysis provider very soon - patched minor UI issue on a trading page where the margin was cutting 27px from the bottom of the page - patched bot trader to allow each bot to have different timings - upgraded binary trading to keep the order online even if you go to another page and still give a report and save all data, it will only cut the info if the client refreshes the whole site which he usually don\'t need at all in VueJs - upgraded user frontend to stay life even if the client to go another page he will still find the info he entered in fields still saved until he removes them - upgraded binary trading open order chart to stay open in case the client goes to another page so he can view how his trade went live - enhanced speed of binary trade saving - enhanced bot trading page to show trades below the meter - upgraded Navbar to VueJs - upgraded wallet connects to VueJs - upgraded footer to VueJs - upgraded clock to check pc time and grab it in site - upgraded change light to dark mode to stay on that state while client on site - enhanced sidebar to change the style of the active navbar on click or visit - added toast to login/logout of the site instead of just a redirect - patched KYC in the profile page to allow editing of profile info after admin disabled KYC while client had already posted KYC - upgraded support to VueJs - patched list icon on navbar that unlocks the main menu - patched buttons on the navbar if the screen is smaller - patched icons on devices that don\'t read capital letters - patched KYC in VueJs - the patched issue with the header don\'t show up in some cases - patched trade page keep connected to all WebSockets when client go to another page, now it put stop command until client goes back to the page - patched forex signals preview - patched bot dashboard table view button - the patched issue with wallets detail page, and icons not showing up - added create a wallet to the binary trading page - added create wallet and wallet balance indicator in bot trader - upgraded token ico manager list, edited, add a new page - added notification to inform the client on frontend if he tries to login with WalletConnect without having wallet connected in user dashboard - removed networks and contracts pages from token ico manager as they are not needed anymore - fully reworked token ico database (it will clean all icos as the whole framework of the ico system changed) - improved conditional importing to make the VueJs lighter as u disable any part of the platform
Version 1.4.7 — May 5, 2022: - patched banning clients from users manager - added processing fees to admin trade logs - patched user mail sending to be validated first if admin set his mail properly or not, if it not then it will return a notification instead of error 500 - added new env file editor method, an email will only need to be changed from mail settings in the platform and it will update in env and run PHP artisan optimize afterward - added debug switch on general settings with artisan optimizer - added site address updater just in case the admin wants to migrate to the new domain - added admin notification on client transfer, deposit, withdraw - reworked dynamic routing to prevent errors on missing extensions in rare cases where the admin forgets to import SQL - added the add to watchlists method on the trading page - added new currencies controller to disable currency u don\'t want from providers, which will hide it from wallet generation too, also it will contain details if that currency allows deposit, withdraw or not - enhanced markets to table cron to write to JSON instead of the database for speed and performance - added markets listing on providers page to watch all markets and their fees and limits and status - added ability to disable/enable markets - upgrade trading page to Vue js for maximum speed - upgraded order book to vuejs and added new depth in the amount calculation - added a new method to auto-generate wallet for a client on a new pair entry to prevent errors - added a new validator to inform the client if he entered a higher amount than the total amount that he can buy with - added a new validator to inform the client if he entered an amount higher than his balance that he want to sell - added grid view to the trading page - added responsive drag and drop rearrangeable view to the trading page - added ability to resize cards on the trading page - added responsive layouts to rearrange cards of trade page accordingly to device size to make sure important info is always first - added get best bid/to ask buttons on limit trading - added auto-set a minimum acceptable amount of trading on the trading page - added increment decrement buttons to amount input - added internal router to prevent reloading on pairs in trading, and auto-refresh trading cards of new pair in less than a second - changed trading dashboard to Vue js - fixed issue of trading page after update if no provider enable it will show no route not found - patched wrong current balance in manual withdraw methods - patched transaction logs to add currency if its not in the main currency of the site - limited transaction id to 15 letter to prevent collapse of table view - patched transfer from funding to trading admin notification to show transferer username instead of id - patched withdraw rejection - patched issue in markets control throw error $symbol - supported Coinbase pro on the new trading system as it was now showing charts before
Version 1.4.6 — April 27, 2022: - added the brand New Wallet Connect Addon - clients can log in to their accounts using MetaMask and top global wallets using WalletConnect on pc and all supported wallet apps on the phone - clients can connect/disconnect their wallets with ease from inside the dashboard - fully reworked wallet button on the navbar to boost speed and prevent old slow loading of the page due to the heavy calculation of prices - auto add your site icon to metamask for Whitelabel - auto add your site name to metamask for Whitelabel - reworked binary dashboard to show practice and trading in 1 dashboard and reworked all data for the speed of loading - fully reworked exchange and binary to make an exchange (now called trade) primary and binary secondary also reordered the sidebar links and fully changed all URLs of old trade/practice to binary links and all exchange to trade links - patched exchange page price calculator - removed practice/trade contracts sidelines and add the sublinks to the binary menu - reworked the balance card on the binary dashboard to a more useful card - added KYC check to wallets page - removed KYC from market analysis and added more depth to it to allow going to practice throw it while blocking binary trading - patched email logo size - enhanced wallet connect to hide pc metamask and show the wallet connect metamask on phones - added wallet transfer transactions to log all transfers - enhanced transfer to make transfers between trading wallet to funding wallet automated while transfer from funding to trading wallet need admin approval - added a new page for the admin to watch over transfers and approve them - added new logs to all wallets transactions, deposits, withdraw, trading transfers, funding transfers, with searching capability - patched withdraw fees calculation on wallet page card preview - a patched issue with scheduling order on binary trading - changed the frontend navbar icon on the phones background color to be viewable if the user didn\'t scroll down - enhanced installer to send clients to the next stage after step2 is done to make it easier to follow
Version — April 25, 2022: - add updating changes, prices of all pairs on the trading page - speed boost to lower CPU and ram usage of client pc on the trading page - patched user delete method - added the brand new Staking Addon for Bicrypto - admin has the ability to add coins to get staked by clients - admin set max and the minimum amount to be staked - admin set daily profit and duration of the coin staking - clients cant claim stake profit until its duration ends or they lose all staked profit - clients get daily profit and updates on their dashboard - admin can set any coin supported to the staking dashboard - clients can keep staking until the staking limit reached - clients can stake in multiple coins and get daily profit depending on the profit set by the admin - the sidebar menu is now ordered by ordering number to allow admins to change the orders of items and to support page builder new pages - added a new page preloader to the admin dashboard - patched cron fetch addresses if using kucoin - added more detailed logs on the admin dashboard for staking to separate all transactions from pending, completed, claimed, canceled logs - changed exchange logs to trade logs which will show third-party logs if any third-party enabled and normal trade logs if they disabled - changed trade and practice logs to binary trade and binary practice logs - now admin can watch over all the client\'s trades in third parties
Version — April 21, 2022: - patched ajax ordering on the trading page - patched issue with canceling orders - patched limit order price steps to allow very low numbers to be set - patched limit order buttons where they don\'t get disabled while the order getting executed - upgraded cancel open orders to ajax - boosted speed of loading by lowering DB calls - disabled cancel orders until further notice - the added fee to the total price calculator - patched limit ordering where it gives the client balance before the order is getting filled - added automatic refund of order if an order gets canceled on a third party to prevent client funds loss - added new status of orders (filling) - patched kucoin auto withdraw - removed contracts small cards from binary trading as we preparing for full UI changes of the binary - added button to indicate the traded pair in phone devices - enhanced users delete to remove forex logs of the clients to prevent errors - added a new search method for kycs - added a new search method for users - patched minor issue on wallet page if third party is disabled - patched support messages not supporting HTML tags before - added a new banned error page to prevent banned clients from accessing the dashboard - patched contract page view fees calculation - added the brand new Page Builder addon - admin has the ability to make new pages and add to the sidebar - admin has the ability to set HTML content and icon and title to the page - added ability for admin to set styles and scripts to the page - patched binary and practice dashboard to show the amount of profit only after cutting the margins - huge boost to the speed of the trading page - a major boost in the ordering system - minor patch on contracts history - minor patch to manual deposit on funding wallet where it gives commission before admin approval - minor patch on transactions rates of the symbol if a new currency set - disable profile editing if KYC is enabled and the client has KYC approved and added a button to resubmit new KYC if the client wants to change data - security patch: removed HTML tags from support contact to prevent XSS breach - patched clients icons on users manager - patched scheduled binary order to prevent going beyond the limit - patched regenerate on user manager to prevent regenerating address of funding wallets - added functions to the trading page to set the percentage amount of wallet balance - patched currency total in trading page to apply fees if he buys and to show normal value if he sells as the fees will cut from currency total if he buys and will cut from symbol total if he sells (note: pair is symbol/currency) - added processing fees to main trading cards - set price of best tick and ask for auto-update to best and best ask instead of the current price
Version — April 19, 2022: - upgraded all dependencies and vendors - enhanced livewire wallets and orders to use the new currency manager - patched currency on deposit page preview - fixed issue where funding wallets deposits don\'t reflect in the wallet - fixed issue where funding wallets deposits don\'t show in wallets transactions - EPS icon updated - enhanced male header to have correct sizing of the logo - changed the texting in the market page when API is not connected to the Market socket not connected - fixed market analysis to work natively when the binary is disabled - added trade button to practice market for easy navigation - removed the trade button from the exchange market to be a native market analysis - separated wallet transactions log where funding show only funding trx and same for trading wallet even if they same symbol - added option to change the country from profile settings - fixed frontend features section where all descriptions were updated as 1 - admins now can change the colors of the admin/user dashboard - admins now can change the theme of the platform and styling - admins now can change the navbar - admins now can set the footer to be sticky or not - admins now can change the navigation bar color - markets now changed from eloquent to JSON for speed with backend processing to prevent the loading of extra files on the frontend - added the brand new trade UI with a huge amount of features - added new pair explorer on the trading page for easy navigation and watching of the markets - added totally new order book where the client can watch his order in the order book after placing it at a particular price - added a new ticker to watch over all details of the pair that currency is traded - added new trades watcher to fetch the latest trades in the market - added price calculator to check how much amount of the other pair you trading with - added price ticker to watch the latest details of the pair like binance - disabled autocomplete in wallets generation to prevent texting over the search input - added search bar to search throw the pairs - enhanced CPU usage to prevent connecting to WebSockets if the page is not active - enhanced page title to view currently traded pair - removed the search icon and all its scripting from the nav bar as it will not be needed anymore - patched binary trade schedule to prevent error if type not set - supported Portugues language - supported the Spanish language - supported Italian Language - supported Netherlands language - added auto transfer function to transfer funds from main to trading after the client do the deposit so his deposit directly goes to the trading wallet to be usable by the client in the system - added 12 new crypto icons to the icons library - patched ajax ordering on the trading page - patched issue with canceling orders - patched limit order price steps to allow very low numbers to be set - patched limit order buttons where they don\'t get disabled while the order getting executed - upgraded cancel open orders to ajax - boosted speed of loading by lowering DB calls
Version 1.4.5 — April 12, 2022: - Kucoin markets support - Kucoin currencies and pair supported - Kucoin Balance Reader supported - new command to remove all markets of a third party to clean unwanted provider, for example, binance have over 2000 markets and that put the heat on the database so removing it will boost speed - enhanced loading of icons to lazy loading to improve speed on wallet page and in charting page - supported kucoin wallet generation on the best network of that wallet, and will support all networks on kucoin advanced - supported kucoin orders placing of spot buy/sell, limit buy/sell - fully removed the need to coin list and coin pairs managers as they are not needed anymore with the new system releases - disabling KYC from the platform manager now will hide KYC from the sidebar to make it easier to navigate the admin dashboard - disabling binary from the platform manager will remove binary and contracts from the client sidebar and make exchange become the main dashboard - separated trade dashboard logs to market and limit for better UI - fixed issue with trading/practice binary options - fully integrated kucoin third-party provider into the system - a log of cleaning of old DB and models as we made a lot of compacting to make the platform faster - added ability for the client to generate wallets on each provider so when the admin changes the provider it will not affect the wallets dashboard as it reads the wallets that the client has on this provider only - fixed icon issue in user details, navbar, ico, forex after changing the profile methods on the last update - added the ability for clients to know the network of the wallet they have so they send for that particular network to prevent transactions from getting lost - added minimum withdrawal amount validation to third-party withdraw to prevent errors - enhanced cron to redo the processing deposits in the auto deposit method until they are done before giving the balance to the client - added minimum amount to exchange amount input for each market to prevent errors - removed wallet button from the exchange navbar as it\'s not needed - added new providers installation, license activator, updater to providers manager - fixed issue where after disabling the 3rdparty it will not show the old exchange system - fixed issue where client cant see the card of creating new wallet if no wallet is found - enhanced how thirdparty api check pairs by cron to enable only supported pairs in the system until that provider support more pairs, and to prevent errors if the thirdparty disabled some pairs - added new cron to disable any unsupported currency/markets/pairs of your thirdparty region to prevent errors - fixed issue in generating wallet after thirdparty is disabled - removed favicon from login/register and other auth pages - fixed issue with wallet generation using the navbar card - added 2 types of wallets, trading and funding wallets to enable better control of binary and trading with the third party - now trading wallet shows direct deposit and the funding wallet goes to payment methods, and if the admin disables the third party it will show only funding wallets - fully reworked the wallet system, (binary, bot, ico, MLM) uses funding wallets, while trading (exchanges) use trading wallets - renamed exchange to trade, and dashboard to binary as we will be releasing swap soon and it will be called exchange - removed select wallet and icon from the card in the wallet dashboard and enhanced responsiveness - fixed exchange system if the third party is disabled - added new currencies manager to set the default global currency of the platform - the platform will apply the enabled currency rate on all pricing and numbers - updated all user dashboards to use the new currency management - fixed issue with updating profile details in livewire - updated all vendors to latest version - reworked jetstream to enable composer update command without any issues from now on to allow manual updating of all vendors without any issue - fixed issue with seo manager - patched navbar currency - patched bot with new wallets - enhanced auto-deposit to ask only for the wallet as the system will check the deposit in the blockchain and add the amount deposited by the client into his balance - now auto-deposit will be listed in wallet transactions with cron to fetch deposit amount and update the transaction until the confirmations are done then it deposit into client wallet - patched the wallet blockchain auto-deposit to prevent posting the same trx hash multiple times - enhanced KYC submission to update profile of the client - added rates of USD vs currencies on deposit and withdrawal of funding wallets - fixed issue in wallet generation where it was generating null symbol wallets and showing error - enhanced orders placement by disabling the order btn on placing the order and enabling it after the order is placed on third-party - added ability to transfer between balances - patched wallet generation to prevent null submits as some clients don\'t select wallet type before submission
Update 1.4.4 — April 03, 2022: - fixed issue where admin cant edit user info from the user management page - added zip and country to the profile page but the country is not editable by clients - added a new third party trading system - added a new third party manager - added ability to watch all balances of the third party - added ability to add an extra layer of fees on the third party - added the ability for admin to generate new wallet addresses on third parties - removed badges from the side menu as it was not needed and only cause CSS load to boost speed as it was causing a little bit of lag on some devices - fixed issue with add/ subtract balance, it was not switching to subtract properly - updated users view in the admin dashboard to include client status instead of when he joined - added a button for the admin to switch between user and admin dashboard quickly - added wallets management in users details page in admin dashboard where admin can add and subtract balance from all wallets of the client - MLM integration patch - moving the update to the new API server - fixed issue in the contract view page where it was throwing the error $user not defined after adding the easy switch between admin and user dashboard - added license activator in case you face an issue ( your license is invalid) - added license deactivator in case you wanted to move to the new domain - changed how no license found work to enable admins to enable the license on the current site if they decided not to move to a new domain instead of receiving error 40 6 - an enhanced blog to read the new bootstrap - enhanced blog cards view - enhanced blog sidebar - now blog uses header and footer same as the main page - cleaned any unnecessary files - fixed a few broken links in the header and footer - enhanced the FAQS card to be responsive on all devices - fix enhanced ed the spacing of the card - fixed issue where default template faqs were not updatable by admin - enhanced spacing - added shadow effect to the blog cards - fixed the categories as they were showing each in the new line, now all will be flexed in 1 line and if more than a row it will go to the next line - added ability for clients to place orders to third party coinbasepro - added ability for clients to do market trades or limit trades on third-party - exchange system now replaced by third party trading as we moving from centralized to decentralized solution for more sustained profit to admin - add orders list on the exchange page - added third party orders to the exchange dashboard instead of old exchange logs - added ability for clients to create a wallet from the wallets page now not just USDT wallet - added ability to generate real deposit wallets for all wallets now where the client can send to those wallets and it goes directly into admin wallet on third-party - added ability to fully convert wallets of clients to real wallets if the admin enables third-party or he can keep using demo wallets that only work within our system if he doesn\'t want a third-party provider - new cron to generate all the currencies of the third party provider to save into the platform for fast processing with the ability to set the limits of the third party to be the limits of the exchange of that particular currency - fully enhanced wallets view pages CSS and functionality - added ability for the admin to regenerate wallets for users from the admin dashboard to enable them to deposit directly after the third party is enabled without the need to remove old wallets - added ability for a client to withdraw from his wallet to any external wallet automatically from the wallets dashboard - added cron to check the status of transaction hash from the third-party provider and blockchain scanners to verify the deposit and automatically add the deposit into the client balance - enhanced wallet transaction record to mention processing fees if the withdrawal was automatic using a third-party provider - added blockchain scanner for all transactions records in the wallet dashboard for the client to check his wallet transactions - added cron to auto fetch hash of wallet transactions - disabled send/request in wallet dashboard as it\'s not needed anymore until the release of the p2p addon - enhanced market to use the cors on too - added a new third party exchanges list to support the pairs of the third party - added new cron to fetch and save the third party exchanges in DB for fast processing - new cron to fetch order status if not filled yet (useful for limit orders where they stay open for long) - added new market select on the exchange page for faster exploration of the pairs - added auto third party markets and currencies and pairs fetcher where it will save all data in the database for easy integration on the exchange page - added an expandable order list to the exchanges chart - added TradingView to the exchange page to support all possible third parties with ease - wallets card on the exchange page now will send to particular wallets view page - start exchanging on exchange dashboard will now move clients to exchange directly without going to analysis where he select market from top navbar afterward - enhanced ordering system to place orders using ajax to allow the client to place orders without refreshing the page and to place more orders in a shorter time - enhanced balance card in exchange page to livewire to update the balance without the need to refresh the page - enhanced order list in exchange page to livewire to update the orders and fetch the latest order without refreshing the page - fully changed platform manager method and database to enable more advanced control over the system - added explanation under each option in platform manager to understand how they work - added option to enable/disable frontend preloader - renamed crypto exchange to exchange as the main aspect of the platform is crypto so no need for duplicate - fully changed how the sidebar of admin and user works and converted from JSON to eloquent to allow admins to arrange the sidebars and change titles as they see fit also be able to change the order of the side menu - added a third-party provider tester in the admin dashboard to prevent errors on frontend from using the wrong credentials - added safe ordering to prevent throwing errors from third-party and inform the client to contact support in case of error (for example low liquidity will throw an error, now it tells the client to inform the support there is something wrong) - added error codes on error notification for admins to understand what is missing or what is wrong instead of throwing error 500
Update 1.4.3 — March 11, 2022: - fixed issue with MLM Forex Trading System - admin now can set mt4 account details for clients after they deposit into opening a new forex account - admin now can set brokers to be selectable by the mt4 page - admin now can set signals to each client using tradingview saved signal view - admin now can set ready signals in Signals manager where he can then set any of them using the dropdown in the client editor page - new dashboard for forex - new deposit in forex page to open new forex account - the meta trader page where it will load the meta trader app inside the platform with ready to use details, the client only needs to enter his password which will be provided by the admin - the client can add any indicator he wants in the mt4 - added Forex investment manager - admin now can make investment plans and they will show them to the client dashboard - admin can set Return of investment, Price, Duration of the plan with cron to auto-set result if admin forget to set it - admin can set the result of the investment to be won, lose, draw to the client with any amount he like (like bot trader) - added a new screener the all forex in the client dashboard - add 5 signals in the client dashboard to be set by the admin who wants to provide signals for his clients who have an investment with him in forex - added MLM to forex investments - added admin notification on new forex investment - added new transaction on forex investment - added investment table, new investment card - added images for investment plans - fixed issue with MLM support, if referrer was not set it was throwing error on a deposit - added Deposit / Withdraw from forex to/from any wallet - integrated MLM into the forex deposit - added admin notification on forex deposit - added transaction on forex deposit - added Forex transaction card to view all deposits, withdrawals, investments - added new cron to set results of investment after duration depending on how the admin set it in the admin dashboard - added new cron to set the results to a default result if the admin forgets to add results to forex investment - refer card language strings added to locale DB - fixed issue in registration - increased size of scroll up button to hide the tradingview trademark on forex dashboard - fixed issue in forex where if KYC is disabled and client go to forex it will throw an error - updated method of accessing forex account to prevent errors, now client need to click create forex account in order for the cards to show up with deposit/ withdraw methods
Version 1.4.2 — March 6, 2022: - fixed issue in referral where manual deposits were not doing referral commission, now after admin approves it, the referrer will get his commission - Added the brand new Multi-Level Marketing System (MLM) - Add a new MLM dashboard - Added new MLM Manager for admin dashboard - Added new cron for MLM to check and upgrade client ranks depending on their business value - Referrers Can earn Business Value (BV) by referring new people to the platform, each time a new referred person do any trading, deposit, first deposit, bot investment, token ICO purchase, the referral will earn BV depending on how the admin set it in the ranks, - New Tree View for the clients network to have a better understanding of where and how they earning business value and to encourage them to refer even more - added option to remove wallet address from wallet page and deposit preview page - fixed issue in exchange dashboard where small amounts were not showing properly - removed the address, zip, mobile phone from the registration page as they can add it in the profile page or from KYC - removed KYC card if the KYC status is approved from the dashboard as it was not needed where we can add extra cards with other functions there - patch: if the referrer is not correct, registration will pass but the referrer will not be set - enhancement: referrer can refer any number of clients as he can, but only the left and right downlines are the methods for him to rank to higher ranks and get higher BV - new: admin can withdraw BV to his wallet with 1 click - enhancement: progress bar now indicate the minimum until the withdrawal is unlocked - enhancement: if the deposit return in BV is higher than the first deposit BV set by admin then the referrer will get the amount of deposit in BV not the amount of the first deposit BV as its higher - new: admin now can set minimum amount until withdrawal is unlocked - new: admin now can set margin of exchange BV to wallet in any percentage he like - new: referrer withdraws now will be listed in wallet transactions and in all transactions page with an email sent to the referrer after successful withdraw - remove: we removed the system refresh as it was not working on all VPS as each has a different system and permissions, now you need to do composer from ssh.
update 1.4.1 — March 1, 2022: - enhanced how cors generation made, now admin only need to set the cors link in general settings then run 1 command in ssh to fully set the cors in all charts and markets where it\'s needed - added cors to the watchlist - fixed issue where admin can not edit the template as it throws error 500. - fixed issue where contract list in chart page will not show correct data of the amount with profit that admin set in the dashboard - added exchange limit where admin set maximum and the minimum amount to be exchanged by the client - fixed issue with the referral system as it didn\'t list the referrals correctly - fixed commission of referrals system - fixed issue with activating, deactivating sections in the frontend manager - fixed issue with uploading images in frontend editor - fixed issue with image reader in the editor where it was showing default unknown image icon instead - added thai language support - Fixed issue with frontend updater, it was sent to system update instead
Update 1.4.0 — 02/26/2022: - added Fees indicator in the exchange chart page, admin can set the fees from admin settings pages - updated all dependencies - removed PayPal\'s old SDK - fixed issue with updating manual payment gateway - enhanced manual payment editor to fetch data properly to make it easier to edit - enhanced manual payment preview card - changed exchanges to exchanges history to make it easier for new clients to understand - practice, trade, exchange, bot, ICO dashboards are now fully in translatable strings to support translation to all languages - all user interface now in strings to support translation - added new order method in practice and trading where the client can set price where the order will start with duration and amount and method rise or fall - enhanced market page responsiveness and hid market change in token page view in the market page if user using mobile to allow more space for the buttons - added new cron for the scheduled orders - enhanced the cron explanation to set timers correctly - fixed issue where minimum amount can\'t set decimals now it can set as low as 0.00000001 - fixed issue with month date in the footer - fixed a typing error where deposit showing withdrawal confirmation - added new frontends manager - added new templates editor - added new pages editor - added new sections editor - admin can enable disable any page or section in the frontend - admin can activate a frontend from many templates we will provide in our store - fully enhanced frontends to use as minimal styles and scripts as possible - added pricing cards to the frontends where admin can set his bots prices and returns to increase sales - add new frontend installer, license activator - released Crypto Investment Frontend Template For Bicrypto - released Crypto Card Frontend Template For Bicrypto - released Crypto Payment Finance Frontend Template For Bicrypto - enhanced default frontend CSS, new header, new footer, better control over all data, even faqs now are editable from within the frontend manager instead of JSON file - default frontend now become separated from Bicrypto and to be installed with a license that we will provide for free to give the admins the ability to download its updates without the need to update the whole system for more stability and usability
Version 1.3.9 — 02/13/2022: - fixed issue in exchange, it was removing the dots - enhanced how low amounts are handled on the exchange page - fixed issue with KYC ordering - PayPal SDK upgraded to v2, now fully working as intended - updated KYC system to send admin notification that his mail settings not set right if it was when a client sends new KYC instead of showing error to the client, also the client KYC will pass to admin too - added a new command for admin to do composer dump-autoload automatically from the admin dashboard - added button to extensions installer to go back for easy navigation - added button to extensions and updated page to Refresh System (composer dump-autoload) for easy access - fixed issue where new clients who open contracts log of practice and trade will throw an error that the JSON not found. - fixed issue with redirecting after activating platform as a subdomain, now login will send to practice if the binary is enabled and to exchange if it\'s disabled - Fixed issue in payment page where the currency of the amount was showing the currency of the wallet instead of the currency of the general currency set by admin dashboard
version 1.3.8 — 02/10/2022: - reworked the cron to show-bot cron only if it installed on a platform, also only fetch the bot cron routes if it installed - added a new page to control the cross as we will need more crons for automation - removed the crons from the main dashboard page of admin to speed it up with fewer query calls - fixed issue with scss conflicting on the market page - added a new button to the market token page (exchange) - added Whitelabel to update the page
Version 1.3.7 — 02/10/2022: - fixed paypal gateway. - Rework of internal pages
Version 1.3.6 — 02/10/2022: - enhanced wallet page list, cleaner look - fixed issue with transaction dashboard where if the contract data is not all saved it will show an error
Version 1.3.4 - Feb 08, 2022: - added the Brand New Token ICO Sale System - added new token sale dashboard - added new animated card with 3d effect for offering stage and launching stage - MetaMask supported - BEP20, ERC20 supported - Web3 Integrated into the system - added new admin control page for token sales - added new logs pages for all ongoing token sales - added a new control to the platform to enable/disable the token ICO system - added a new record in extension for the installation and activated of token ICO system, 2022: - added new user meta to save the external wallets to allow the admin to send the token contract to that wallet after the token sale - added 2 stages of the sale, offering and launching stage, after the offering end, it will automatically start the launching stage - added tooltips to all small icons for easy usage - added option to add and edit networks - added option to set the network of the ICO token for each Token separately to support posting more than 1 ICO on the platform with the support of extra networks to add the possibility for clients to pay you and post their own tokens if you allow them - added ability for admin to add the contract to the ICO token in order to support more Tokens posting - added option to add ABI to have extra control over the contract in the admin dash and prepare for the ability to make smart contracts and tokens in the platform - fixed issue where if the trade was not complete it will throw an error when you try to watch the contract log - added a tooltip to explain to the client why the contract data was not saved. - fixed conversion rates for another currency, now in conversion rate (currency set by site = rate in USD) to calculate it correctly - added new logs page to watch over all exchanges and pair and get to know which token is used the most by your clients - add the ability to set your contract symbol, icon address and add it to MetaMask with 1 click - separated contracts management from ICO management for more security and control over the tokens
Version 1.3.3 - Feb 02, 2022: - fixed PayPal payment gateway - PayTM fixed - RazorPay Fixed - fixed the issue where it was not showing the rotate to portrait when you put the phone on the landscape. - updated the French language database - updated the german language database - added new Arabic language support (need enhancement from Arabic speaking client) - add a global indicator for balance if the binary option is off - add a global indicator for balance if the binary option is on and you are on the exchange system - added option to set the site as a subdomain with 1 click to be able to use your own frontend - added PHP artisan optimize as a default run after saving the platform options to make it easier for platform change - fixed issue in wallet preview, price conversion was not set properly as needed. - enhanced razor pay preview page for payment processing - added support of all phones to read Google QR by making its background always white, some phones cant read it on dark background.
Version 1.3.2 - Feb 01, 2022: - wallet on the trade page was showing an error address not defined if the KYC was disabled and wallet not created, now it fixed and it will show create wallet if the wallet is not created in disabled KYC platform - inlined CSS of chart pages moved out of blade views for compression - added ability for admin to fully disable the binary trading system and make the exchange as the primary system for more niche related platform - added bot trader to platform control for easy adjustment of the platform final look, it will only show after the addon is installed on the platform - amcharts moved to local js for the service worker to load them by mix (speed boost)
Version 1.3.0 - Jan 31, 2022: - Release Of the Brand New Bot Trading Addon - upgraded the market to support the new Bot Trader System - A new method of investment: the Bot Trader where clients invest in bots set by admin - New Bot Trading Dashboard that shows active bots, total bots, completed bots, and all data regarding the bot - New Bot Charting view where the client can pick one of many bots that the admin add to his panel - New Time Limits set by admin can be selected by the client - Seemless Meter to show the number of contracts running by the bot investment - Admin has the ability to make new bots with all details - Admin has the ability to set time, duration, unit (sec, min, hour, day) of each bot - Add a new logs page for the bots - Disable KYC now remove the KYC card from the exchange page - Wallet Withdraw now show how much will be charged from the wallet as total - Enhanced the Wallet withdrawal the card - Added the KYC middleware to prevent going to wallets if KYC is active and users have not verified it yet - Fixed sending a support ticket - Fixed support ticket replies - Enhanced the support chat style and responsiveness - New Vietnamese language supported (By Community) - Fixed issue where adding new category throw error 500 as the route was not set properly - added ability for admin to remove user and clean all his contract records from the site - now admin doesn\'t show in the list of all users, to provide the base for the manager accounts that we will add soon - cleaning user now include (his trades log, practice log, his JSON records, his wallets, exchange logs, deposits, withdrawals, transactions, wallet transactions) - trade and practice chart was using the settings of profit in the backend but was not showing correctly on the frontend, fixed correctly now - hide referral card from dashboards if admin disable referral - Fixed wallets page if KYC not present or wallet not made before going to wallets page, it was showing error. - fixed issue where chart not drawing if the price of a token very low (0.00001) and further - enhanced the WebSockets to fetch more accurate data faster - fixed issue where the contract preview was showing (can\'t divide by 0) duo to the fact very small tokens that were below 0.00001 was counted as 0 - The market page now shows the type of the market on the token page, if you are on the exchange market, the button will be exchange instead of trade - added admin notification on new bot contract - added admin notification on new KYC submit - Fixed issue where Cron of trades was setting balance into the USDT wallet (old method), now Cron will set trade result into its corresponding wallet. - added new cron (Bot Trader Results) to admin cron card - now practice log and trade log show which pair you traded properly - added new extension installer to add as many add-ons you\'re like each with a different license - added new installer & updater for any future add-ons we will release - Bot Trader now show total investment, and total profit for the client, also it will have 2 options to show to the client, real data or random data of profit, and can be set from the admin dashboard - admin can set the profit of the contract before it ends, and with cron, it will update the result to the end client depending on the result the admin set, to make sure admin always wins - admin can set results as a win, lose, draw - contracts that were not adjusted by admin will be set by cron depending on what admin default will be
Version 1.2.8 - Jan 28, 2022: - Fixed cors issue where charts were not loading - Added ability to disable/enable News - Enhanced how the conversion rate works, now it takes the live price of the coin and converts it with the conversion rate set by the admin dash
Version 1.2.7 - Jan 27, 2022: - Added optimize to update page for fast use in updates that don\'t require composer - Added Ability to enable disable KYC verification, also remove the dashboard KYC cards if KYC is disabled - Added a new platform control panel for the admin where he can enable/disable features like KYC (trade, practice, news yet to be added) - Cleanup of unneeded queries for a speed boost
Version 1.2.6 - Jan 27, 2022: - Fixed issue with Real Wallet Trading, it was not going to the new system correctly - Enhanced The Deposit Methods Responsiveness and Style - Fixed Multiple Deposit Methods to the new standards of wallet system - Now deposits auto-update wallet and show up on wallet transactions
Version 1.2.5 - Jan 26, 2022: - Fixed Stripe Payment Gateway to support the new Wallet System - Fixed The Route. not defined in wallets deposit on automatic payment gateways - Deposit from top navbar send you to wallets to select and deposit into - Multiple Payment gateways fixed to support the new Wallet system
Version 1.2.4 - Jan 26, 2022: - Now it will set the time frame in the trade, practice page by default - Add a new function, if the user balance is 0 it will show a button to top up on the practice page - Fixed issue with Changing the Time frame
Version 1.2.2 - Jan 25, 2022: - Fixed unwanted text where the crypto title was showing on a market page by default - Added ability for the user to watch his sent request not only after the confirmation is done - Added ability for the user to accept and reject request payment - enhanced CSS of the wallet transactions - added wallet transaction fee to admin setting page - Fixed issue with Meta Desc where it was showing on top bar if set for some browsers - removed nicEdit from SEO edit in admin dashboard as it\'s not needed - Updater now show text more properly - Enhanced the wallet transactions icons to larger more clean icons, - The wallet transactions action button now will not show accept, deny on the sender, only the requested client can accept or reject - removed start exchanging from the KYC card as it duplicated - The practice dashboard button now is Practice Now to prevent confusion for the client as trade, the practice was both having the same button - Fixed issue with referral registration - The town in registration page now became District to be more specific - the market page now show (Your country in the ban list, Please try using VPN to access our services.) instead of a price ticker error to let the clients use the services if they are in the banned country by using VPN - Added ability for admin to set min-max time for a sec, min, hours separately for the trading - changed touch spin with input that will have more functionality like picking percentage of
his wallet balance as the amount for trade - added ability for admin to set min-max amounts of trades - added the trading control to the phone devices with new colored buttons - fixed responsivity issue where the wallet was wrapping the navbar making it look ugly - fixed issue with an exchange, it was going beyond the limit
Version 1.2.1 - Jan 24, 2022: - Fixed issue with Exchange system, now it creates Addresses for the new wallets - Fixed issue in the navbar - Enhanced the Wallet Page Wallet Card
Version 1.2.0 - Jan 24, 2022: - Added the Brand New Wallet System - Added ability for the user to send money to another wallet - Added ability for users to request money from another user - Added ability for users to deposit and withdraw from each wallet separately - Removed Deposit, Withdraw links from the sidebar as they reworked into the wallet system - Add ability for the user to view and print every transaction in the wallet - Wallets now have Wallet ID like blockchain where they used in transactions - Clients can create over 322 wallets in the system now for all supported currencies - Added Open View Contract to trading page when successful trade is made to enable the client to view his contract even after he closes the window - Changed the trade input to a normal one with an indicator of which currency to enter for correct trading - trade system now supports all the supported pairs and each pair will trade directly from its balance after it was using only the USDT which was the first pair we supported - removed a select wallet from navbar on exchange marketplace as it has no effect there - Fixed Manual Deposit issue where it was not sending email correctly which throw error 500 - Wallets page now show all wallets like Mastercard\'s for fanciness, plus if there is no card it will ask you to create your first - Each wallet have its own page now, with full details - Fixed issue with wallet page if there was no deposit, withdraw method active, it was throwing error 500 - Fixed issue with watchlist, it was linking to the old system where there was only market without pair, now it even supports the exchange system, when you in practice dashboard, the watchlist will send you to practice trade, and so on with the other types - fixed issue with accepting deposit request - Exchange Dashboard now shows wallets even if they 0 balance - Wallets now have QR codes generated from their ids for fast transactions
Version 1.1.9 - Jan 22, 2022: - Supporting 29 Pairs now with a total of 1415 (coin/pair) trade options (buy/sell/exchange) - Add Coin Pair to the admin dashboard to view and control the supported coins - Fixed Exchange issue where it was passing the limits
Version 1.1.8 - Jan 22, 2022: - Fixed Wallet Issue where new users cant create the wallet - Added ability for admin to create a wallet for the client from the user management page
Version 1.1.7 - Jan 21, 2022: - Add Deposits, Withdrawal in Wallet Page - The wallet page now shows empty wallets if the client has not deposited any balance - The wallet page now shows only wallets with balance if the user deposit and balance - Added Exchange market to the Exchange dashboard - Added Practice Market, and Trade Market to the practice, trade dashboard - Fixed issue where some countries don\'t show charts as they banned from Binance APIs and others - Added Responsiveness to the Exchange Charts for phone devices - Fully moved to the new markets without the need of old indexed - Notifications and alarms now can be set in the market from the setting icon, with 5 different alarm sound
Version 1.1.5 - Jan 21, 2022: - Enhanced all tables with new JS search engine for live search, reworked all tables paginations - Fixed issue with navbar showing error 404 as we moved to the new system - Fixed issue with market analysis, same issue as navbar - Reworked the market analysis to be part of each dashboard, if the admin set default of user is practice then market link in the sidebar will send to practice market, and so on with trade, exchanges - added card to practice, trade, exchange dashboard with market details to send a client to the market as it\'s now the best way to find a coin to trade - fixed issues in the old database, future updates will not face any issue in updates - stabilized the installer to make sure no issues occur
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