Dynamic Content for Elementor 3.1.3 Lifetime Update.
Features | Values |
Version | v3.1.3 |
Last Update | 9th Nov 2024 |
All Premium Features | Yes |
Instant Installation Support | 24 Hrs. |
Scanned By Virus Total | ✅ |
Live Preview |
Dynamic Content for Elementor 3.1.3 is a powerful plugin designed to enhance Elementor, a popular website builder. It empowers users to create dynamic and personalized content easily, without coding.
By utilizing dynamic fields and variables, you can display dynamic content such as post information, user data, custom fields, and more.
This plugin streamlines the process of building interactive websites and enables you to engage your audience with personalized content.
With its user-friendly interface and seamless integration, Dynamic Content for Elementor opens up a world of possibilities for creating dynamic, responsive, and compelling websites without the need for advanced technical skills.
v2.9.0 - 2023/03/21
- Details on https://dnmc.ooo/2-9-0
* Notice: from this version is required Elementor > v3.4.0 and, if used, Elementor Pro > v3.4.0
* Notice: ACF Relationship (old version) widget set as deprecated. We recommend to use the new version in the future sites, but we will not remove the old version
* Notice: Dynamic Due Date for Elementor Countdown has been set as deprecated since Elementor Pro added new dynamic tag for due date in v3.10.0. We will not remove our version
* New: Dynamic Google Maps Directions widget
* New: Dynamic Tag - Map Info. To be used together with Dynamic Google Maps Directions
* New: Dynamic Tag - Map Instructions. To be used together with Dynamic Google Maps Directions
* New: ACF Relationship widget
* New: Dynamic Tags - ACF Relationship
* New: Dynamic Tags - Meta Box Relationship
* New: Dynamic Tags - Terms
* New: Dynamic Tags - Tags
* New: Dynamic Tags - Woo Product Categories
* Tweak: added Query ID on Dynamic Posts, Dynamic Products, Dynamic Products On Sale, Products in the Cart, Product Upsells, Product Cross-Sells, ACF Relationship, Favorites, Woo Wishlist, Sticky Posts, Search Results, Posts by the Current User widgets. You should use the hook 'dynamicooo/query/{query_id}'. More info here https://dnmc.ooo/dcequeryid
* Tweak: added compatibility with WP-CLI. Here the list commands https://dnmc.ooo/dcewpcli
* Fix: ACF Fields widget would not show in some situations
* Fix: Save for Elementor Pro Form, could not save user fields when overriding if user registration was disabled
* Fix: Dynamic Visibility, User Roles trigger could not be changes in some situations
* Fix: Off Canvas Menu, add setting to allow filling the color of the menu icon in all cases
* Fix: another minor conflict between Off Canvas Menu and Modals related to the escape key
* Fix: Views Widgets with skin Carousel not working in some situations
* Fix: Dynamic Tag - Token, wizard, blank result when field incorrectly shown by its numeric ID
* Minor Fixesv2.8.12 - 2023/03/08
* Notice: In our next release the Elementor's minimum version will be 3.4.0
* Tweak: Fallback content set visible by default in Dynamic Posts, Dynamic Products, Dynamic Products On Sale, Products in the Cart, Product Upsells, Product Cross-Sells, Favorites, Woo Wishlist, Sticky Posts, Search Results, Posts by the Current User widgets
* Tweak: Favorites widget, it's now possible to reverse the order of the posts when "Preserve Post Order Given" is selected
* Tweak: Dynamic Google Maps, Add dynamicooo/google-maps/post-link filter for the markers post links
* Tweak: Dynamic Google Maps, add a new JS event for compatibility with the Borlabs plugin
* Tweak: Stripe Field for Elementor Pro From, added dce-submit-disabled CSS class to the submit button during payment processing
* Tweak: Modals widget, add setting "Set Cookie". It's useful for those who set the cookie manually. When switched off it will only check the cookie but not set it
* Tweak: Modals widget, add a setting for specifying the cookie's name, as it is more reliable than deriving it from the widget ID
* Fix: Views, even if selected, Ajax was disabled for all skins except Slideshow
* Fix: Counter Field for Elementor Pro Form triggered an error when hidden by a field condition
* Fix: Conflict between Modals and Off Canvas Menu widgets
* Minor Fixesv2.8.11 - 2023/02/18
Fix: all our carousels didn't work correctly in some cases after the latest update
* Minor Fixesv2.8.10 - 2023/02/16
Notice: "Copy&Paste Cross Sites" extension has been set as deprecated since Elementor released its own "Copy and Paste Between Websites" functionality
* Tweak: compatibility tag for Elementor 3.11.1
* Tweak: all our carousels supports the new Elementor Beta experiment "Upgrade Swiper Library"
* Fix: ACF Repeater, Accordion Skin: the Title Color and Active Title Color didn't work when used a Site Settings for the same HTML Tag
* Fix: ACF Fields widget, formatting date fields in non english locales could result in broken characters
* Fix: Modals is now compatible with Infinite Scroll
* Fix: Dynamic Posts: Safe HTML tags were wrongly escaped from titles
* Fix: Message Generator for Elementor PRO Form: Submission Page wrongly reporting an error while running the action
* Minor Fixesv2.8.9 - 2023/01/31
Notice: from this version is required Elementor > v3.3.0 and, if used, Elementor Pro > v3.3.0
* Notice: "My Posts" widget is now called "Posts by the Current User" and "Dynamic Tag - My Posts" is now called "Dynamic Tag - Posts by the Current User"
* Tweak: added "Get Query Args for Debug" to the context menu to help our support more quickly resolve any problems with Dynamic Posts, Dynamic Products, Dynamic Products On Sale, Products in the Cart, Product Upsells, Product Cross-Sells, Favorites, Woo Wishlist, Sticky Posts, Search Results, Posts by the Current User widgets
* Tweak: on Dynamic Posts, added "Remove Sticky Posts" for Queries "From Specific Posts" and "ID List"
* Fix: a closing - was missing in the Skin Carousel which caused several problems
* Fix: In the Skin Carousel, fixed a problem for the setting "Slides Per Group" when the values for different breakpoints were not all set to the same value
* Fix: the Wizard for ACF Fields didn't work properly on Dynamic Tag - Token
* Fix: PDF Button: Browser converter did not include DOM elements generated by scripts after page loading
* Minor Fixes - v2.8.8 - 2023/01/24
* Tweak: closing of Modals can now be triggered from custom user scripts
* Fix: Dynamic Posts, the query "Specific Posts" did not sort the posts correctly in DESC order. Now the ASC/DESC sorting has been removed and it is possible to reverse the order of posts via a new setting
* Minor Fixes - v2.8.7 - 2023/01/19
* Fix: Animated Off Canvas Menu, fixed an issue that caused the menu to open when the side background was not present - v2.8.6 - 2023/01/18
* Notice: from February 28, 2023 Dynamic.ooo will require Elementor > v3.4.0 and, if used, Elementor Pro > v3.4.0
* Tweak: Animated Off Canvas Menu, now you can close the menu by clicking outside when not using the side background
* Fix: Skin Carousel, fixed an issue with navigation arrows
* Fix: ACF Slider, the caption was not displayed in the lightbox if there were quotation marks in it
* Fix: the first element on Skin Grid with Filters wasn't showing its posts at startup
* Fix: Dynamic Posts in the Grid with Filters skin was displaying an excessively long list of filters after the last update
* Fix: iFrame widget, fixed an issue that caused the page to break
* Fix: Dynamic Posts, when a user switched from a skin with templates to one that did not support templates, the posts and the "Items" section were no longer visible
* Minor fixes - v2.8.5 - 2023/01/16
* Tweak: RTL support for Dynamic Posts, Dynamic Products, Dynamic Products On Sale, Products in the Cart, Product Upsells, Product Cross-Sells, Favorites, Woo Wishlist, Sticky Posts, Search Results, My Posts widgets
* Fix: Meta Box Google Maps didn't retrieve fields when set inside a group
* Minor Fixes - v2.8.4 - 2023/01/11
* Tweak: Ensure compatibility with Elementor 3.10.0
* Tweak: Favorites, added Query Filter
* Tweak: Dynamic Posts, added "order by name" to order by options
* Tweak: Views, added filter dynamicooo/views/row-html to customize the row output in some of the skins
* Fix: Dynamic Posts, the offset didn't work on Sticky Post Query
* Fix: Use Animation in rollover for the arrows on Dynamic Posts - Skin Carousel didn't work
* Fix: Counter Field, hidden setting did not also hide the label if present
* Fix: Conflict with Elementor's Select Field causing a double dropdown arrow to be present in some case
* Minor Fixes - v2.8.3 - 2022/12/22
* Fix: ACF Repeater - Accordion Skin not working in isolation
* Minor Fixes - v2.8.2 - 2022/12/21
* Notice: from January 31, 2023 Dynamic.ooo will require Elementor > v3.3.0 and, if used, Elementor Pro > v3.3.0
* Tweak: "Add to Cart" item on Dynamic Products and Dynamic Posts now supports Ajax action
* Tweak: Add the filter dynamicooo/remote-content/html-element for filtering the remote content
* Tweak: Dynamic Posts, Accordion skin accessibility improvements
* Tweak: PDF Button, HTML converter, for CSS customizations while the PDF is being fetched the button now is assigned the fetching-pdf class
* Fix: ACF Repeater - Accordion Skin was not working properly in frontend when Improved CSS Loading was active
* Fix: PHP error appearing in some case with Dynamic Visibility and recent versions of Elementor
* Fix: PDF button, JS converter error when document is slightly larger than one page
* Fix: Dynamic Posts, the Term Meta Query filter was triggering a PHP error
* Fix: Dynamic Posts: the query "Specific Posts" didn't order the posts on DESC order
* Fix: In the Elementor Pro Form, the value of the Hidden Label set in a field like Live HTML was not fresh
* Minor Fixes - v2.8.1 - 2022/11/21
* Notice: removed the warning on the Admin Dashboard for PHP 8.0 and PHP 8.1
* Tweak: PDF button: add an option to view the PDF in the browser for JS and HTML Converters
* Tweak: on Dynamic Posts now you can force Sticky Posts at the top
* Tweak: Dynamic Posts: added "Linkable" to all Style Items, to apply the extended link to the entire block
* Tweak: Dynamic Posts: added cursor pointer when the entire block is linkable
* Tweak: Dynamic Visibility: add switcher "Check Host only" for referrer
* Fix: Conditional Fields for Elementor Pro Form didn't jump over a step if an Amount Field was present
* Fix: Dynamic Posts - Skin Grid with Filter: activate first filter when "All" is not present
* Fix: ACF Repeater: fix not showing zero values
* Minor Fixes - v2.8.0 - 2022/10/26
Details on https://dnmc.ooo/2-8-0
* New: Dynamic Visibility for Elementor's Popups
* Tweak: ACF Fields: New ACF type Display, it uses the format already provided by the ACF settings
* Tweak: Dynamic Posts widgets, skin accordion: Compatibility with Elementor's inline icons experiment
* Tweak: Add a dce-favorites Shortcode, presently it can be used to get the number of favorite posts by the current user
* Tweak: Visibility: You can now use data-visibility-ok html attribute to force hiding custom style elements
* Fix: Dynamic Posts had problems working on Author Pages
* Fix: Form Method bypassed browser validation
* Fix: PHP errors on Dynamic Email for Elementor Pro Form with more than two mail sent (in some setups)
* Fix: Views: Repeated background images inside Elementor's Templates
* Fix: Performance problems with ACF Fields in the frontend
* Fix: Dynamic Posts widgets, Carousel Skin: The carousel would get wider and wider in some cases
* Fix: Dynamic Posts widgets, Carousel Skin: Values below the smallest responsive breakpoint were wrong
* Fix: Conditional Validation can now be used like Conditional Fields with each condition on its own line
* Fix: PHP Errors in some edge cases
* Minor Fixes - v2.7.10 - 2022/09/28
* Tweak: Add Return as Data option to Dynamic Tag PHP
* Tweak: Visibility, add an option to require matching all User Roles provided
* Tweak: Conditionals (Conditional Fields, Validation etc.), add in_array function. An improvement over the in operator
* Tweak: The Dynamic Post Widgets have now the Exclude options for the Parent Page Query
* Tweak: Add Timeout option to the Form Export Action
* Tweak: Dynamic Tag Token now uses a Textarea, making it easier to input text spanning multiple lines
* Fix: Dynamic Email: Fatal error on second mail sent in some situations.
* Fix: Visibility style missing when style tag was more than one line long on pages with more than on widget of the same type
* Fix: Form Method for Elementor Pro Form is now compatible with the Improved Asset Loading experiment
* Fix: Dynamic Posts: Problem with Infinite Scroll when Scroll Reveal was previously enabled
* Fix: Dynamic Posts, carousel skin JS error when fallback is displayed
* Fix: Passwdord Visibility for Elementor Pro Form not working in some situations
* Minor Fixes - v2.7.9 - 2022/09/09
* Fix: Visibility, make Taxonomy and Terms a unique trigger, to avoid any problem with connectives
* Minor Fixes - v2.7.8 - 2022/09/07
* Fix: Dynamic Posts Carousel conflict with some third party plugins caused by last update
* Fix: Dynamic Posts with Infinite Scroll produced bad layouts when images inside templates have no size attribute set
* Fix: Visibility AND connector not working with taxonomy triggers
* Fix: Products On Sale widget had various frontend issues
* Fix: Dynamic Posts Carousel not working if set as a global widget
* Fix: Various PHP and JS errors and warnings triggered in some situations
* Minor Fixes - v2.7.7 - 2022/08/25
* Conflict between Google Maps and complex Info Window templates
* Fix: Dynamic Posts Carousel not working in some situations
* Minor Fixes - v2.7.6 - 2022/08/23
* Tweak: on ACF Fields widget added Fallback to show something when the field is empty
* Tweak: Dynamic Posts, skin Carousel: Selected slide in thumbs carousel is now centered
* Fix: closing times of Animated Off-Canvas Menu widget were not equal to opening times in some cases
* Fix: on Dynamic Posts the Background Color for the Content Item didn't work - v2.7.5 - 2022/08/18
* Tweak: added Return Format for Dynamic Tag - Posts, Dynamic Tag - Products, Dynamic Tag - My Posts, Dynamic Tag - Sticky Posts
* Tweak: PDF Button, JS converter now hides the admin bar in the PDF if the user is logged in
* Fix: on Sticky Posts widget, "Results per Page" setting didn't work
* Fix: Dynamic Posts: Elements in a template after a nested Dynamic Posts were rendered in the context of the queried page object instead of the current loop object
* Fix: Visibility Event when Visibility is set in Hide mode now hides the element instead of showing it
* Fix: Condition Fields for Elementor Pro Form, a step with only textareas was always jumped over
* Minor Fixes - v2.7.4 - 2022/08/04
* Fix: Nested Dynamic Posts with the same skin not working
* Fix: Fatal error related to Dynamic Posts pagination - v2.7.3 - 2022/08/02
* Tweak: Counter for Elementor Pro Form: Counters in Elementor Templates can now have different values depending on the object they are in
* Fix: Pagination didn't work on Table Skin
* Fix: Hidden Label for Elementor Pro Form error when Dynamic Select provided no options
* Fix: Signature for Elementor Pro Form error when Save was switched on, Require off, and the user did not fill the field
* Minor Fixes - v2.7.2 - 2022/07/25
* Tweak: now the item "Add to Cart" button on Dynamic Posts and Dynamic Products work even for LearnDash courses
* Fix: solved an issue with the pagination of Dynamic Posts after last update
* Fix: Dynamic Google Maps Snazzy styles not working
* Fix: Avoid fatal errors on malformed expr Tokens
* Fix: Hidden Label field for Elementor Pro Form did not always get the right label from Dynamic Select
* Minor Fixes - v2.7.1 - 2022/07/22
* Tweak: on Dynamic Charts now is possible choose color for legend and axes, alignment, position, etc
* Tweak: Acf Repeater, Carousel skin, add Center Insufficient Slides option
* Fix: Dynamic Posts JS issue when used Carousel or Dual Carousel Skin without results
* Fix: Skin grid, background image problem with pagination
* Fix: Acf Repeater, Carousel skin, Centerd Slides option did not work
* Fix: Visibility event compatibility with Elementor's containers
* Fix: Visibility style problems when elements of the same type are at the same time visibile and hidden
* Minor Fixes - v2.7.0 - 2022/07/14
Details on https://dnmc.ooo/2-7-0
* Notice: now the new minimum PHP version is PHP 7.1
* New: Meta Box Relationship widget
* New: Meta Box Google Maps widget to show Meta Box Google Maps fields on a map
* New: Text Editor with Tokens and Dynamic Tag Token support Meta Box Fields. The new token is [metabox:field-name]
* New: Text Editor with Tokens and Dynamic Tag Token support Meta Box Settings Page. The token is [option:field-name]
* New: Text Editor with Timber widget
* New: Dynamic Posts now supports Meta Box Fields
* New: PHP Action for Elementor Pro Form
* Tweak: on 3D Skin added an option to center the first element at the start
* Fix: Dynamic Email for Elementor Pro Form only deleted attachments if the conditions were satisfied. Now it does it always
* Fix: Amount and JS Field for Elementor Pro Form didn't work if their custom id was repeated in the same form or page
* Fix: Dynamic Visibility - Event Trigger issues with mouseover events
* Fix: Skin Grid with Filters didn't work correctly when used with Elementor Page Transition. To work is mandatory to use Elementor Pro >= 3.7.0
* Fix: Dual Carousel Skin didn't work correctly when "Improved Assets Loading" is active
* Fix: Modals widget didn't work correctly when used inside an ACF Repeater template
* Fix: Dynamic Visibility for Pages wasn't visible without Elementor Pro
* Fix: solved an issue with JetEngine tokens
* Minor Fixes - v2.6.3 - 2022/07/01
* Tweak: now you can set as "responsive" the items on Dynamic Posts, Dynamic Products, Dynamic Products On Sale, Products in the Cart, Product Upsells, Product Cross-Sells, Favorites, Woo Wishlist, Sticky Posts, Search Results, My Posts widgets
* Notice: Title widget now is called Dynamic Title
* Fix: Skin Grid with Filters didn't work when used with numeric terms
* Fix: Dynamic Title widget didn't retrieve the post title on a loop in the archive page
* Fix: on ACF Slider widget the previous and next buttons would also control other sliders on the same page
* Fix: on ACF Repeater widget the previous and next buttons didn't work if another ACF Repeater was inside the template
* Minor Fixes - v2.6.2 - 2022/06/22
* Tweak: Field Icons for Elementor Pro Form now supports Elementor's Date and Time Fields
* Fix: Dynamic Posts with Search&Filter: Visual problem after filter selection in some situations
* Fix: When closing a Read More modal the page would not be scrollable in some situations
* Fix: Improvements on PHP 8.1 support
* Minor Fixes - v2.6.1 - 2022/06/14
* Notice: We remind you again that from 30 June the new minimum PHP version will be PHP 7.1
* New: PDF Generator - URL Field for Elementor Pro Form. For using the URL of the PDF generator's PDF on other actions and saving it on the Elementor Submisssions
* Fix: conflict between some third-party plugins and the Dynamic Google Maps widget
* Fix: visual glitch with two Dynamic Posts widgets on the same page
* Fix: Elementor's Image Carousel and potentially other widgets visual problems when their appearance is controlled by Dynamic Visibility
* Fix: Elementor's Image Carousel and potentially other widgets visual problems when contained in the Modals widget
* Fix: warning about missing CSS file
* Fix: conflict between the widget Views and other elements on the same page caused by changes on WordPress query object
* Fix: JS Error in Dynamic Posts with Search & Filter Pro in some cases
* Minor Fixes - v2.6.0 - 2022/05/24
Details on https://dnmc.ooo/2-6-0
* Notice: from this version is required Elementor > v3.2.0 and, if used, Elementor Pro > v3.2.0
* New: Dynamic Visibility for Pages. Now you can hide the content of an entire page
* New: Dynamic Tag - Posts
* New: Dynamic Tag - Sticky Posts
* New: Dynamic Tag - My Posts
* New: Dynamic Tag - Products
* Tweak: now you can filter subfields on the ACF Repeater widget
* Tweak: new action 'dynamicooo/posts/query_results' for customizing the results of the query on Dynamic Posts
* Tweak: WPML support for Dynamic Visibility - Fallback Text and Tooltip - Content
* Notice: The recommended way to put a signature in PDF Generator with HTML Templates is now with the variable 'form_raw' instead of 'form'
* Notice: Post Meta widget set as deprecated. You can continue to use it but we recommend using "Text Editor with Tokens" or "Dynamic Tag - Tokens" on new installations
* Fix: When using a Search & Filter Form targeting more than one Dynamic.ooo widget, only one would work
* Fix: Dynamic Visibility could break the style of a page with more than one widget of the same type if the first of them was hidden
* Minor Fixes - v2.5.8 - 2022/05/16
* Tweak: Compatibility with Elementor 3.7.0
* Tweak: on Dynamic Google Maps now you can change the zoom after the Geolocation
* Tweak: added alt attribute on Before/After widget
* Tweak: In Text Editor with Tokens when using custom HTML tags you can now enforce style settings with the class dce-force-style
* Fix: Post Meta widget didn't work correctly
* Fix: Linkable Template on Dynamic Posts didn't work after a request of Search & Filter Pro
* Fix: Terms and Taxonomy widget didn't work correctly on a loop
* Fix: Dynamic Email for Elementor Pro Form conflict with WP Mail SMTP plugin in some situations
* Fix: Skin Carousel inside non default tabs not working
* Minor Fixes - v2.5.7 - 2022/05/05
* Tweak: Add filter dynamicooo/save/redirect-url for the redirect url of Save for Elementor Pro Form
* Minor Fixes - v2.5.6 - 2022/04/27
* Fix: Dynamic Posts Carousel not working inside Tabs hidden on load
* Fix: Views: term tokens not working inside group by heading
* Minor Fixes - v2.5.5 - 2022/04/26
* Tweak: Improvements for Search & Filter Pro integration on Dynamic Posts
* Tweak: Condition Validation can now disable the Submit Button
* Tweak: Stripe Field for Elementor Pro Form now set the default payment method on Subscriptions
* Tweak: Advanced Video Extension: Add option to start with subtitles on
* Fix: On Dynamic Posts, use Link on Featured Image didn't work correctly
* Fix: Tokens for JetEngine Fields
* Fix: Frontend Navigator didn't work correctly
* Fix: WebGL Image Distortion widget not working in some cases
* Fix: Message generator for Elementor Pro Form could prevent other Elementor Actions from running
* Fix: Message generator for Elementor Pro Form did not hide the Form Steps
* Fix: Tokens filters whitelist not taking all values of the list
* Minor Fixes - v2.5.4 - 2022/04/19
* Tweak: PDF HTML Converter can now get user information with current_user
* Fix: Date token formats incorrectly blocked by whitelist for filters
* Fix: Dynamic Current Posts Term on Dynamic Posts widget didn't work correctly
* Minor Fixes - v2.5.3 - 2022/04/14
* Fix: Signature for Elementor Pro Form validation problem with multi-step forms
* Fix: OpenStreetMap Widget marker image was not being loaded
* Fix: ACF Relationship on Dynamic Posts widget didn't retrieve the correct post IDs when used with WPML
* Fix: CSS animation conflict between Dynamic Posts widget and external plugins or themes
* Fix: Dynamic Visibility - Events trigger: show on page load was not working in some cases
* Fix: PHP Error related to Elementor Scheme Classes
* Fix: PHP Error in Dynamic Posts widget in some cases
* Fix: Dynamic Google Maps with Marker Clusterer not showing the clusters
* Fix: Dynamic Visibility - MyFastAPP trigger didn't work on WooCommerce endpoints
* Minor Fixes - v2.5.2 - 2022/04/12
* Fix: Visibility - Dynamic Tag gave wrong results when the dynamic tag returns an empty string
* Fix: Dynamic Google Maps was causing a JS error with the use of the Marker Clusterer option
* Minor Fixes - v2.5.1 - 2022/04/11
* Fix: Featured Image set as background didn't work after v2.5.0 for all Skins except Grid on Dynamic Posts, Dynamic Products, Dynamic Products On Sale, Products in the Cart, Product Upsells, Product Cross-Sells, Favorites, Woo Wishlist, Sticky Posts, Search Results, My Posts widgets
* Fix: HTML5 validation didn't work with Confirm Dialog for Elementor Pro Form
* Minor fixes - v2.5.0 - 2022/04/07
Details on https://dnmc.ooo/2-5-0
* Notice: from this version, all new features are automatically deactivated
* Notice: from this version is required Elementor > v3.1.0 and, if used, Elementor Pro > v3.1.0
* New: Discover Tokens widget to understand better how tokens work
* New: Favorites Action for Elementor Pro Form
* New: Accordion Skin for Dynamic Posts, Dynamic Products, Dynamic Products On Sale, Products in the Cart, Product Upsells, Product Cross-Sells, Favorites, Woo Wishlist, Sticky Posts, Search Results, My Posts widgets
* Tweak: now you can choose Multiple Taxonomies from Query Filter on Dynamic Posts, Favorites, Woo Wishlist, Sticky Posts, Search Results, My Posts widgets
* Tweak: Dynamic Charts widget now accepts multiple colors
* Tweak: Confirm Dialog before Submit for Elementor Pro Form now accepts a custom width
* Tweak: Dynamic Visibility now supports Containers
* Tweak: Dynamic Visibility now supports Time From > Time To, for example, to show elements between 18.00 - 7.00
* Tweak: Dynamic Visibility now supports Period From > Period To, for example, to show elements between 20 Dec - 11 Jan
* Tweak: ACF Slider widget can now retrieve fields from the current author, current user, current term, or options pages
* Tweak: added tab "Geotargeting" on Dynamic Visibility
* Tweak: Tokens, added settings to activate tokens, types and set a whitelist for filters. The whitelist is enabled by default in new installations
* Removed: Select2 for Elementor Editor feature to avoid compatibility issues on Elementor Edit Mode
* Fix: Dynamic Posts with Search & Filter Pro Query didn't work correctly when fallback content was disable and no results were found
* Fix: Page Scroll didn't work correctly when was set Optimized Dom Output on Elementor > v3.6.0
* Fix: empty required Signature Field for Elementor Pro Form is now stopped by the browser before submit
* Fix: Conditional Fields for Elementor Pro Form did not update on textarea changes
* Fix: removed PHP Warning on PDF Button widget
* Fix: WYSIWYG Field for Elementor Pro Form caused an issue with Elementor Editor in some situations
* Fix: Featured Image wasn't visible on Timeline Skin for Dynamic Posts, Dynamic Products, Dynamic Products On Sale, Favorites, Woo Wishlist, Sticky Posts, Search Results, My Posts widgets
* Fix: on Dynamic Tag Token - Wizard Mode, JetEngine wasn't visible in some situations
* Fix: devices selection on Tracker Header didn't work correctly
* Fix: Dynamic Posts - Scroll Reveal - Fly Effect didn't work on Safari
* Minor fixes - v2.4.5 - 2022/03/23
* Tweak: compatibility tag for Elementor 3.6.0
* Fix: Elementor Panel not loading on Elementor v3.6.0
* Minor fixes - v2.4.4 - 2022/03/21
* Fix: error 505 when saving Elementor Page as user without administrator capability in some situations
* Minor fixes - v2.4.3 - 2022/03/17
* Tweak: added a fallback image for Featured Image on Dynamic Posts, Dynamic Products, Dynamic Products On Sale, Products in the Cart, Product Upsells, Product Cross-Sells, Favorites, Woo Wishlist, Sticky Posts, Search Results, My Posts widgets
* Tweak: on Dynamic Google Maps, added minimum and maximum Zoom level
* Tweak: JS Field for Elementor Pro Form, added the updateSelf function, it allows updating the field from asynchronous code
* Tweak: JS Field for Elementor Pro Form, if the user callback does not return, the field value is not changed. Before it was set to undefined
* Fix: error when saving Elementor Page as user without administrator capability in some situations
* Fix: visual bug when using a custom arrow with custom size on skin Carousel
* Fix: on Dynamic Posts, remove Sticky Posts didn't work on Specific Posts Query
* Fix: JetEngine token didn't work on some cases on Text Editor with Tokens
* Fix: Remove Masking on Carousel Skin didn't work on v2.4.2
* Fix: Product Cross-Sells, Product Upsells, and Products in the Cart widgets didn't retrieve the order and order by
* Minor fixes - v2.4.2 - 2022/03/10
* Tweak: Tooltip, added settings for border radius and typography
* Fix: PDF Generator for Elementor Form would generate a blank PDF in some situations
* Minor fixes - v2.4.1 - 2022/03/08
* Tweak: Add to Calendar now supports a filename for ICS files
* Fix: on Animated Off-Canvas Menu, fixed the disappearance time of the close button
* Fix: ACF Fields widget didn't show fields if the field was 0
* Fix: JavaScript error on Add to Favorites widget
* Fix: on Add to Favorites widget, messages after added or removed action didn't work
* Fix: PDF Generator, HTML Converter now supports fonts that don't have an OTL table
* Minor fixes - v2.4.0 - 2022/03/03
Details on https://dnmc.ooo/2-4-0
* New: Text Editor with Tokens and Dynamic Tag Token support JetEngine Fields. The new token is [jet:field-name]
* New: Dynamic Posts now supports JetEngine Fields
* New: Range Field for Elementor Pro Form
* New: HTML Converter for PDF Button widget
* Tweak: all features based on ACF now accept JSON and PHP local fields
* Tweak: Tokens can now be used inside PayPal descriptions
* Fix: PayPal amount and name, when taken from other fields, are not stuck to the value they had after PayPal button first click
* Fix: some additional form style options provided by the Message Generator extension didn't work
* Fix: Content Widget didn't work inside a Search Result page
* Fix: PDF Button, JS Converter would fail under certain situations
* Notice: versions released after June 30th, 2022, will require PHP v7.1 or greater
* Minor fixes - v2.3.5 - 2022/02/24
* New: Conditional MailerLite for Elementor Pro Form
* Tweak: on Modals other elements of the page can activate the modal
* Tweak: Dynamic Posts, Skin 3D, option to release scrolling behaviour when all posts have been checked
* Tweak: on Views, enabled [PERMALINK] token in the Group by Heading Text
* Minor fixes - v2.3.4 - 2022/02/17
* Tweak: Added an option for sending parameters in the Remote Content widget
* Tweak: Dynamic Visibility, Events trigger now supports touchstart and touchmove
* Fix: Fatal Error while uninstalling the plugin
* Minor fixes - v2.3.3 - 2022/02/14
* Fix: OpenStreetMap visual artifacts
* Minor fixes - v2.3.2 - 2022/02/10
* Fix: Visual bug in Dynamic Posts, when image ratio is set
* Fix: Reveal didn't work correctly
* Minor fixes - v2.3.1 - 2022/02/08
* Tweak: Amount for Elementor Pro Form supports Format number
* Tweak: Confirm Dialog for Elementor Pro Form supports Custom text and colors for Submit and Cancel buttons
* Tweak: on Dynamic Posts - Specific Posts Query you can remove Sticky Posts from the loop
* Tweak: Remote Content supports POST method and headers
* Fix: the template setting on Dynamic Posts wasn't visible in some situations
* Fix: DomPDF fatal errors on submit in some situations
* Minor fixes - v2.3.0 - 2022/02/02
Details on https://dnmc.ooo/2-3-0
* New: Counter Field for Elementor Pro Form
* New: Max Submissions for Elementor Pro Form
* New: Conditional Mailchimp for Elementor Pro Form
* New: Conditional Active Campaign for Elementor Pro Form
* New: Conditional Webhook for Elementor Pro Form
* New: Dynamic Tag - Favorites
* New: Dynamic Tag - Woo Wishlist
* Tweak: rollback versions are now provided by our servers
* Tweak: speed up Conditional Fields evaluation in the browser
* Tweak: now it's possible to deactivate the license from your dashboard on shop.dynamic.ooo
* Tweak: recoded WYSIWYG Field for Elementor Pro Form, and now it's a field that permits insert safe HTML. Before it completely removed HTML
* Tweak: setting a constant DCE_REMOVE_ALL_DATA, you can remove all data on uninstall
* Tweak: on Dynamic Posts, add an Automatic Excerpt option in the Content Item
* Tweak: Amount for Elementor Pro Form, add option to update the amount on either input or change
* Fix: prevent security issue
* Fix: in the Views Widget, the Exposed Form with a filter of type Checkbox didn't work
* Minor fixes - v2.2.11 - 2022/01/14
* Fix: Nested ACF Repeaters caused the page to crash
* Fix: Add to Calendar with ICS or Outlook.com links didn't work correctly in some cases
* Minor fixes - v2.2.10 - 2022/01/11
* Notice: from this version Add to Calendar widget requires PHP 7.2 or greater
* Notice: from this version Conditional Fields v2 is called Conditional Fields
* Fix: Add to Calendar with Google or Yahoo links didn't work correctly in some cases
* Fix: in the Tooltip extension it was not possible to set the background color for the arrow
* Minor fixes - v2.2.9 - 2021/12/29
* Fix: Carousels didn't work correctly for users using a version of Elementor higher than 3.5.0 with the Improved Asset Loading experiment enabled
* Minor fixes - v2.2.8 - 2021/12/23
* Fix: the choice of templates on widgets did not work correctly in some situations
* Minor fixes - v2.2.7 - 2021/12/22
* Fix: Fatal Error on Add to Calendar widget
* Fix: CSS issue on Advanced Video Controls extension
* Minor fixes - v2.2.6 - 2021/12/21
* Fix: FileBrowser was not visible in frontend in some situations
* Minor fixes - v2.2.5 - 2021/12/20
* New: Dynamic Products On Sale widget
* Tweak: Add to Calendar supports Yahoo and Outlook.com calendars
* Tweak: InfoWindow on Dynamic Google Maps supports Elementor Templates
* Tweak: Dynamic Google Maps supports linking single marker to an URL
* Tweak: Dynamic Visibility can check WooCommerce Product Type
* Minor fixes - v2.2.4 - 2021/12/16
* New: Unique ID for Elementor Pro Form
* Tweak: Signature for Elementor Pro Form now saves the image on the server so you can use the signature directly on the email
* Tweak: Amount for Elementor Pro Form now supports decimal places and rounded numbers
* Minor fixes - v2.2.3 - 2021/12/13
* New: Cryptocoin Badge widget
* Fix: removed various PHP warnings
* Minor fixes - v2.2.2 - 2021/12/09
* Fix: Pods Relationship on Dynamic Posts showed all posts when empty
* Minor fixes - v2.2.0 - 2021/12/07
Details on https://dnmc.ooo/2-2-0
* New: Dynamic Charts widget
* New: Add to Woo Wishlist widget
* New: Woo Wishlist widget
* New: Cryptocurrency Dynamic Tag
* Tweak: "DoShortcode" widget now is called "Shortcode with Tokens" and it supports Tokens
* Notice: "Google Document Preview" now is called "Document Viewer"
* Notice: "Search & Filter Pro" widget now is called "Advanced Filtering from Search & Filter Pro"
* Fix: Address Autocomplete for Elementor Pro Form didn't work inside popups
* Fix: Hidden Label Field for Elementor Pro Form didn't work when Checkbox or Radio fields contain only one item
* Fix: Conditional Fiels v2 for Elementor Pro Form didn't work when a Radio field contains only one item
* Minor fixes - v2.1.2 - 2021/11/29
* Tweak: you can choose how many images to show in ACF Gallery
* Fix: Some instance were new Elementor Custom Breakpoints where not yet supported
* Fix: error affecting those who are still on a version older than 1.14.0 trying to upgrade to a recent one. Please notice that extension activation status might be reset
* Fix: error reported on submit in PDF Generator for Elementor Pro Form - HTML Converter
* Fix: on Tokens error when filter argument was a zero character without quotes
* Minor fixes - v2.1.1 - 2021/11/25
* Tweak: in the Features page it's now possible to deactivate entire groups of features
* Tweak: Stripe Field for Elementor Pro Form now supports all currencies supported by Stripe
* Fix: ACF Gallery didn't work correctly with Lightbox
* Fix: layout issues in Dynamic Posts - Grid Filters Skin with some templates
* Fix: JS Error on PDF Button Widget - Browser Converter
* Minor fixes - v2.1.0 - 2021/11/22
* Tweak: we added a configuration option to avoid enabling new features on updates. More details on https://dnmc.ooo/nofeatures
* Tweak: Animated Off-Canvas Menu Widget works correctly with menu item without a link
* Tweak: on Animated Off-Canvas Menu Widget now you can set a template before the menu
* Fix: PDF Generator - HTML Converter: fix some errors related to fonts
* Fix: ACF Gallery - Single Image skin didn't work correctly
* Minor fixes - v2.0.9 - 2021/11/12
* Fix: Dynamic Visibility - Trigger Events didn't work correctly when applied to sections
* Fix: Conditional Fields Regression Bug with last fix. - v2.0.8 - 2021/11/10
* Tweak: Dynamic Google Maps now supports infoWindow on all data type (address, latitude and longitude, ACF Google Map Fields)
* Fix: solved a problem with breakpoints on Page Scroll, Tracker Header and Cursor Tracker
* Fix: issue on marker for Dynamic Google Maps
* Fix: conditions on a hidden Amount Field could cause the field to be displayed
* Fix: Breadcrumb Typography and Color on current item
* Fix: style issue on Amount Field for Elementor Pro Form
* Fix: Dynamic Posts and Dynamic Google Maps now works correctly when Search and Filter Pro is used with WPML
* Minor fixes - v2.0.7 - 2021/11/05
* Notice: The HTML Converter example for inserting a page header was not correct. The new version now shows the correct way.
* Fix: Solved a Fatal Error in Dynamic Google Maps when used without ACF
* Fix: Featured Image in Dynamic Posts didn't work correcty in some cases
* Fix: Favorites widget showed inconsistent results when the user had not favorites
* Fix: JS error in Editor Mode
* Fix: CSS error in Field Description for Elementor Pro Form
* Minor fixes - v2.0.6 - 2021/10/29
* Fix: Skins on Favorite widget didn't work correctly
* Fix: Advanced Video Controls extensions didn't work correctly with YouTube videos
* Minor fixes - v2.0.5 - 2021/10/25
* Tweak: on Conditional Fields v2 for Elementor Pro Form added a warning for JS Errors caused by optimizers
* Tweak: Added 'dce/jsconvpdf/after' trigger to call a JS after the rendering of PDF Button - JS Converter
* Tweak: on Stripe for Elementor Pro Form add admin notification if one of the customer reference fields cannot be found
* Tweak: solved conflicts between PDF Generator - HTML Converter and other plugins
* Tweak: on PDF Button - JS Converter don't display page when printing template
* Tweak: on Views widget added a control to optimize the query when order by fields are present
* Tweak: Live HTML Field for Elementor Pro Form now supports uploaded images
* Tweak: optimize asset loading for Confirm Dialog for Elementor Pro Form
* Fix: Thumbnails were not clickable in Dual Carousel Skin
* Fix: on Dynamic Email for Elementor Pro Form missing upload attachments when PDF is attached
* Fix: On Dynamic Google Maps the title wasn't correcty escaped
* Minor fixes - v2.0.4 - 2021/10/15
* Tweak: now you can use Conditional Fields v2 to check if PayPal payment is made
* Fix: Dynamic Google Maps costantly set zooming
* Fix: DomPDF Converter warning in PHP8
* Fix: Some items didn't work on Dynamic Products
* Fix: Dynamic Tag PHP didn't work on Color fields
* Minor fixes - v2.0.3 - 2021/10/14
* Tweak: compatibility between JS Field for Elementor Pro Form and JS optimizers from other plugins
* Fix: Rollback to a previous versions didn't available
* Fix: legacy features automatically deactivated on v2.0.0
* Fix: thumbnails not clickable on Skin Dual Carousel
* Minor fixes - v2.0.2 - 2021/10/13
* Fix: JS PayPal error in some situations
* Fix: temporary notice about a fatal error during update
* Minor fixes - v2.0.1 - 2021/10/12
* Fix: display issue on Skin Grid with Filters in Dynamic Posts - v2.0.0 - 2021/10/12
Details on http://dnmc.ooo/v2
* Notice: Dynamic Posts (was Dynamic Posts v2) now is called Dynamic Posts
* New: HTML Converter on PDF Generator for Elementor Pro Form
* New: section on the dashboard to create HTML Templates
* New: widget Dynamic Products
* New: widget Products in the Cart
* New: widget Product Upsells
* New: widget Product Cross-Sells
* New: widget My Posts
* New: widget Sticky Posts
* New: widget Search Results
* New: widget Favorites
* New: extension Confirm Dialog for Elementor Pro Form
* New: Dynamic Tag PHP
* New: widget PDF Viewer
* New: widget iFrame
* New: widget Google Document Preview
* New: Query Type - Custom Query on Dynamic Posts
* Tweak: Stripe for Elementor Pro Form supports subscriptions
* Tweak: speed optimization for Dynamic Visibility on editor mode
* Tweak: speed optimization for FileBrowser on editor mode
* Tweak: on Dynamic Posts added new items (Add to Cart, Product Price, Product SKU)
* Tweak: on Dynamic Posts you can set a custom arrow for Carousel Skin
* Tweak: on Dynamic Posts you can choose the pagination position between top, bottom and both
* Tweak: on Dynamic Posts we moved the Custom Meta Fields tab in the Items tab
* Tweak: you can choose the size on Icons for Elementor Pro Form
* Tweak: Icons for Elementor Pro Form works on Select fields
* Tweak: on Dynamic Visibility added the condition "Cart is empty"
* Tweak: 360 Slider Navigation works correctly on all background colors
* Tweak: on Save for Elementor Pro Form added all custom post statuses
* Tweak: on Parent Child Menu added ordering settings
* Tweak: Add to Favorites can work with posts in different languages with WPML
* Fix: Pods Relationship didn't work correctly on same cases in Dynamic Posts
* Fix: Amount Field didn't work correctly with multiple choice fields
* Fix: Match Height in Dynamic Posts didn't work for multiple inner sections on a template
* Fix: Video didn't stop after closing Modals
* Fix: Dynamic Posts controls were not updating in editor mode
* Fix: the Dynamic Visibility icon in the Navigator was not positioned correctly for RTL sites
* Minor fixes - v1.16.9 - 2021/09/14
* Fix: Amount Field for Elementor Pro Form expressions worked with tokens field definitions but not with tags - v1.16.8 - 2021/09/14
* Fix: Dynamic Google Maps - ACF didn't work correctly without ACF Pro - v1.16.7 - 2021/09/13
* Tweak: Dynamic Google Maps now supports Zoom Level on Multiple Locations Query
* Tweak: Added a warning for users using Conditional Fields (old version) for Elementor Pro Form to invite them to use the new version
* Tweak: on Dynamic Posts (was Dynamci Posts v2) now you can remove sticky posts from the loop
* Fix: Save For Elementor Pro Form would change usernames uppercase characters to lowercase
* Fix: Icons for Elementor Pro Form didn't work with all icon types
* Fix: Select2 Field for Elementor Pro Form didn't work with other our extensions, like the JS Field
* Fix: Featured Image - Open in a new window didn't work on Dynamic Posts (was Dynamic Posts v2)
* Fix: various fix for Advanced Video Controls
* Fix: minor fixes - v1.16.6 - 2021/09/03
* Tweak: Dynamic Visibility now supports Product Category in the cart for WooCommerce
* Fix: Form with PayPal returned an error in some situations
* Fix: JS error in Conditional Fields v2 in older browsers
* Fix: the content of the modals widget was not translated with WPML
* Fix: minor fixes - v1.16.5 - 2021/08/21
* Fix: added notice on Dynamic Tag - Token for users without administrators capabilities - v1.16.4 - 2021/08/20
* Fix: Elementor Breakpoints - v1.16.3 - 2021/08/20
* Tweak: JS Field for Elementor Pro Form getField function can now be given a default parameter in case the field is empty
* Tweak: Visibility Referer Triggers now allows referrers from specific pages instead of just from generic domains
* Tweak: Stripe Field for Elementor Pro Form can now save payment details for later, allowing the creation of later payments and subscriptions
* Tweak: Tooltip now can work in a loop
* Tweak: enabled debug on Dynamic Visibility
* Tweak: added icons on User Fields
* Tweak: added delay on Cursor Tracker
* Tweak: compatibility check for Elementor 3.4.x
* Tweak: compatibility check for Elementor Pro 3.4.x
* Fix: multicolumns order on Views
* Fix: Weglot didn't work correctly on Dynamic Visibility
* Fix: on Dynamic Posts, when you retrieve an ACF Field Date, don't show today's date
* Fix: incompatibility with other plugins caused by the PHP 8 str_contains functions
* Fix: minor fixes - v1.16.2 - 2021/07/26
* Fix: Featured images in the background didn't work correctly when inserted in a widget, present in a loop
* Fix: JS Field for Elementor Pro Form getValue function didn't work with Checkbox and Multi-Select fields
* Fix: minor fixes - v1.16.1 - 2021/07/24
* Fix: Featured images in the background didn't work correctly when inserted in a column of an inner section, present in a loop - v1.16.0 - 2021/07/23
Details on https://www.dynamic.ooo/changelog/v1-16-0/
* Tweak: Fix and also prevent potential conflicts with other WordPress plugins caused by PHP dependencies
* Notice: Dynamic Posts v2 now is called Dynamic Posts
* Notice: on PDF Button widget removed "Paged" converter
* New: OpenStreetMap widget
* Tweak: on Dynamic Posts (was Dynamic Posts v2) added HTML & Tokens as Style Items
* Tweak: on Dynamic Posts (was Dynamic Posts v2) added ID List as Query
* Tweak: added wrapper for Grouping fields on Views widget
* Tweak: added compatibility for WPML 4.5
* Tweak: compatibility check for Elementor 3.3.x
* Tweak: compatibility check for WordPress 5.8
* Tweak: removed icons in Dynamic Posts Editor settings to match Elementor's UX
* Tweak: added a new trigger to use "My FastAPP" plugin on Dynamic Visibility
* Fix: when templates with Featured Images as background were used on Dynamic Posts, using Infinite Scroll would load the wrong images
* Fix: Dynamic Visibility now can check terms in the current language with WPML activated
* Fix: Masonry didn't work correctly in the skin Grid with Filters - Dynamic Posts
* Fix: on Dynamic Email for Elementor Pro Form, some email options would overflow to the following emails in the settings
* Fix: Hidden Label for Elementor Pro Form conflict with RecaptchaV3 inside a form, the required options of a field was ignored
* Fix: on PDF Button widget, the PDF was not produced where both browser and JS convert button were present on the same page
* Fix: on PDF Button widget with JS Converter a missing template would cause Fatal Errors to be emitted. Now only a warning is shown
* Fix: Order By with multiple fields on Views
* Fix: ACF Fields widget didn't retrieve the date in the current language
* Fix: on Add to Calendar widget, the ICS file didn't load ACF Fields in specific cases
* Fix: PDF Button with JS converter and template as options, did not create the PDF in some situations
* Fix: minor fixes - v1.15.5 - 2021/06/25
* Notice: PDF Button widget with converters DomPDF or TCPDF now requires PHP 7.2 or greater
* New: Live HTML Field for Elementor Pro Form
* Tweak: Re init layout after Ajax requests on Exposed Form - Views
* Fix: Conditionals Fields v2 could not get the values from the Hidden Field or JS Field
* Fix: errors on DomPDF converter - PDF Button widget
* Fix: not possible to retrieve Favorites from user meta with Views
* Fix: minor fixes - v1.15.4 - 2021/06/23
* Fix: Add to Calendar - ICS, would not fetch settings when it's inside an Elementor template
* Fix: style issue with Dynamic Posts v2 - Skin Carousel on the featured image
* Fix: minor fixes - v1.15.3 - 2021/06/21
* Fix: Add to Calendar widget, ICS returning an error in some situations
* Fix: style issue on Read More and Featured Image items - Dynamic Posts v2
* Fix: on Animated Off-Canvas Menu, the ESC key opened the menu when it was closed
* Fix: solved a conflict between Tooltip extensions and other plugins
* Fix: minor fixes - v1.15.2 - 2021/06/18
* Fix: calculation issue on Amount Field for Elementor Pro Form
* Fix: Match Height on Dynamic Posts v2 - Template with inner sections didn't work correctly
* Fix: minor fixes - v1.15.1 - 2021/06/17
* Fix: solved a CSS issue on Modals widget - v1.15.0 - 2021/06/17
Details on https://www.dynamic.ooo/changelog/v1-15-0/
* Notice: Save for Elementor Pro Form now can create users only if you set "Membership" setting to "Anyone can register" on WordPress General Settings
* New: Tooltip extension
* New: JS Field for Elementor Pro Form
* New: Conditional Validation for Elementor Pro Form
* New: Dynamic Due Date for Elementor Countdown
* New: Grid with Filters Skin on Dynamic Posts v2
* Tweak: optimized assets loading for Dynamic Posts v2
* Tweak: on Dynamic Posts v2 removed items from settings to speed up the widget on Elementor Editor
* Tweak: added Match Height on Dynamic Posts v2
* Tweak: added "Current User" on Dynamic Posts v2 - Query Filter - By Author
* Tweak: on Dynamic Posts v2 you can filter the query for ACF Relationship
* Tweak: Paypal Field for Elementor Pro Form can get the transaction amount from another field in the same form
* Tweak: Stripe Field for Elementor Pro Form can get the transaction amount from another field in the same form
* Tweak: on Stripe Field for Elementor Pro Form you can specify customer information to be saved in the Stripe panel
* Tweak: Stripe Field for Elementor Pro Form no longer needs disabling the cache
* Tweak: Amount Field for Elementor Pro Form now supports a text before and after
* Tweak: restrict country on Address Autocomplete for Elementor Pro Form
* Tweak: compatibility check for Elementor Pro 3.3.x
* Tweak: renamed Custom PHP Validation for Elementor Pro Form to PHP Validation for Elementor Pro Form
* Tweak: ACF Repeater - HTML and Tokens now supports shortcodes
* Tweak: on Views widget, added "Order By" and "Sorting" for Exposed Fields and Grouping Fields
* Tweak: ACF Relationship now supports attachments on related posts
* Tweak: when PDF Button - JS Converter is creating a PDF it now adds a class called "dce-pdf-printing" to the body, so you can style or hide an element with CSS
* Tweak: added an option to delete a PDF attachment after a Dynamic Email is sent
* Tweak: on Dynamic Posts v2 - Query Filter - By Date - Future you can choose if the future contains today's date
* Fix: add to Favorites did not work correctly when running under Nginx and some other cases
* Fix: Carousel Skin on Views widget didn't work correctly on mobile and tablet
* Fix: Dynamic Select reference value could not contain spaces
* Fix: Amount Field for Elementor Pro Form didn't retrieve the value from a Dynamic Select field
* Fix: some Signature Fields would not be rendered on the PDF when sent as PNG. Added an option to use JPEG
* Fix: on Save for Elementor Pro Form, the list of "Form fields to save as meta" didn't work correctly
* Fix: Date Filter on Dynamic Posts v2 didn't work correctly
* Deprecated: Paged PDF converter will be removed from PDF Button widget after June 30th, 2021
* Fix: minor fixes - v1.14.5 - 2021/05/10
* New: Experimental "Paged" Converter for PDF Button widget, a converter that supports custom fonts and page breaks
* Tweak: Added Remove Masking on Dynamic Posts v2 - Carousel Skin
* Fix: compatibility problem between Conditional Fields (old version) and reCAPTCHA fields
* Fix: Minor fixes - v1.14.4 - 2021/05/05
* Tweak: ACF Slider with Lightbox will not conflict with others on the same loop
* Fix: Dynamic Select Field error when the field is set as required
* Fix: Google Maps will not conflict with other plugins when API is not set
* Fix: Dynamic Tag - Token didn't show the preview in the editor
* Fix: removed wrong warning about Conditional Fields old version in the form
* Fix: Minor fixes - v1.14.3 - 2021/04/29
* Fix: New WordPress Dashboard didn't work on some sites
* Fix: Bug when using Parent Child Menu widget
* Fix: Minor fixes - v1.14.0 - 2021/04/28
* New: WordPress Dashboard to manage all features with a new interface
* New: Conditional Fields v2 for Elementor Pro Form
* New: ACF Flexible Content widget
* New: Dynamic Select Field for Elementor Pro Form, a select field where the list of options changes dynamically according to the value of another field
* New: Hidden Label Field for Elementor Pro Form, a hidden field that allows you to fetch the label of a selected item in a Select, Checkbox or Radio field
* Tweak: compatibility check for Elementor 3.2.x
* Tweak: Added 'dce/jsconvpdf/before' trigger to call a JS before the rendering of PDF Button - JS Converter
* Tweak: On 360 Slider widget now you can control the speed and disable the initial spin on load
* Notice: ACF Repeater (old version) widget set as deprecated. We recommend updating to the new version, but we will not remove the old version
* Notice: Dynamic Posts (old version) widget set as deprecated. We recommend updating to the new version, but we will not remove the old version
* Notice: Conditional Fields (old version) for Elementor Pro Form set as deprecated. We recommend updating to the new version, but we will not remove the old version
* Notice: versions released after May 15th, 2021, will no longer support PHP 5.6
* Fix: ACF Fields Currency Mode settings and Decimal Place settings didn't work correctly in a loop
* Fix: Minor fixes - v1.13.6 - 2021/04/09
* Tweak: Added PODS Relationship on Dynamic Posts v2 - Query Type
* Tweak: On Animated Off Canvas Menu - Animations Time, added delay for menu items
* Tweak: Added Custom Table Heading on ACF Repeater when used "HTML & Tokens"
* Tweak: On Dynamic Google Maps, moved Zoom Level on "Controlling" settings
* Tweak: Changed name of "Threesixty 360" in "360 Slider"
* Fix: Various errors on Dynamic Visibility - Events trigger
* Fix: Minor fixes - v1.13.5 - 2021/04/02
* New: Custom PHP Validation for Elementor Pro Form
* Tweak: Added Animations Time controls on Animated Off-Canvas Menu
* Tweak: ACF Gallery can now retrieve fields from the current author, current user, current term, or options pages
* Tweak: On Dynamic Posts v2 - Search Page, now you can choose the Custom Post Type
* Tweak: On Dynamic Posts v2 - Search Page, now you can use Query Filter
* Tweak: Stripe Field for Elementor Pro Form stops empty required fields in JS before submit
* Fix: File Include widget didn't work correctly for administrators on frontend
* Fix: Panorama widget is now visible after a Dynamic Visibility event trigger without animations
* Fix: Minor fixes - v1.13.4 - 2021/03/29
* Fix: PDF Generator for Elementor Pro Form didn't save PDF for not logged users
* Fix: Minor fixes - v1.13.3 - 2021/03/26
* Tweak: removed Pay button on Stripe for Elementor Pro Form
* Tweak: Page Scroll now supports Elementor Optimized DOM
* Tweak: Updated GSAP library and JS syntax on Animated Text widget
* Fix: Minor fixes - v1.13.2 - 2021/03/19
* Fix: error on license activation - v1.13.1 - 2021/03/19
* Tweak: added Masonry for Dynamic Posts v2 - Grid Skin
* Tweak: 40% reduction in plugin size
* Tweak: compatibility check for Elementor Pro 3.2.x
* Tweak: DataTables on ACF Repeater and Views now retrieves the language of the site
* Tweak: added "Open link in a new window" for "Read More" on Dynamic Posts v2
* Fix: On PayPal for Elementor Pro Form fixed issue where in some cases it showed a generic error on form submission
* Fix: Removed empty spaces on ACF Field Image set as Background
* Fix: Minor fixes - v1.13.0 - 2021/03/13
* New: Stripe for Elementor Pro Form
* Tweak: changed name of "ACF Google Maps" in "Dynamic Google Maps" with a better UI
* Tweak: Dynamic Google Maps now supports Search&Filter Pro Plugin >= v 2.5.5
* Tweak: Dynamic Google Maps now supports Geolocation
* Tweak: Updated GSAP library and JS syntax to current version v3.6.0
* Tweak: Added "Results per page" on Dynamic Posts v2 with Query Type - Post Parent
* Fix: Paypal currency issue on live mode for all currencies different than USD
* Fix: Conditional Fields on Submit Button
* Fix: multiple Dynamic Posts v2 widget + Search&Filter on the same page
* Fix: Dynamic Template System didn't save the choice
* Fix: Removed "X-WR-CALNAME" from Add to Calendar widget to avoid Outlook creates new calendar for events
* Fix: Table Heading on ACF Repeater new version
* Fix: Minor fixes - v1.12.4 - 2021/03/05
* Tweak: ACF Repeater - new version can now retrieve fields from the current author, current user, current term, or options pages
* Tweak: Dynamic Posts v2 now supports "Order by: Preserve Post ID order given" useful with Query Type - From Specific Posts
* Tweak: Dynamic Posts v2 now supports "Order by: Relevance" useful with Query Type - Search Page
* Tweak: added "loading..." on Dynamic Posts v2 - Items
* Tweak: Dynamic Visibility now supports two new events: mouseover and double click
* Tweak: On Copy to Clipboard now you can choose the animation between Shake Animation, Change Text and none
* Tweak: Paypal for Elementor Pro has an option to disable validation. The total can now be something dynamically obtained on page load (like a url get parameter). Please notice that disabling validation means that the user can always create order with arbitrary amounts payed
* Tweak: PayPal for Elementor Pro form now supports a layout setting, the vertical layout will show more payment options
* Fix: Multiple condition on Conditional Fields
* Fix: On APIs tab the saving of Google Maps API didn't work correctly
* Fix: Potentially invisible text with SVG Converter in PDF Generator when imagick was disabled
* Fix: Frontend Navigator didn't work correctly
* Fix: Minor fixes - v1.12.3 - 2021/02/26
* Hotfix: PDF Button widget did not include page dependent data on templates - v1.12.2 - 2021/02/25
* Tweak: changed name of "Steps for Elementor Pro Form" in "Enhanced Multi-Step for Elementor Pro Form"
* Tweak: added Dynamic Tags on Conditional Fields - Value
* Tweak: removed constant checking on PHP Raw widget
* Tweak: now you can deactivate imagick functionalities on PDF Generator for Elementor Pro Form - SVG Converter
* Tweak: changed name of "Enhanced Editor" in "Select2 for Elementor Editor"
* Tweak: Conditional Fields can no longer be selected in a list but their ID has to be typed in. The feature was a maintenance burden for little gain
* Fix: compatibility issue between Steps extension and Elementor Pro 3.1
* Fix: removed Invert Order on Prev Next widget
* Fix: Visibility tab not clickable on a new post
* Fix: DataTables loading on ACF Repeater widget
* Fix: Blank page when the margin is not zero on PDF Button widget - JS converter
* Fix: Signature clear button would not clear the pad completely when pad width was modified
* Fix: Minor fixes - v1.12.1 - 2021/02/18
* Tweak: PayPal for Elementor Pro Form now supports Tokens on Item Value
* Tweak: Signature for Elementor Pro Form now supports autosaving
* Tweak: Dynamic Posts v2 - Skin Carousel now supports Initial Slider
* Tweak: Style for PayPal for Elementor Pro Form
* Tweak: PDF Button - JS Converter now retrieves custom css from the template
* Fix: Linkable Template on Dynamic Posts v2
* Fix: our features now works correctly when "Elementor Optimized Asset Loading" is activated
* Fix: DataTables loading on Views widget
* Fix: Dynamic Visibility - Hide other elements on Events Trigger when all elements have only the same CSS class
* Fix: Multiple ACF Repeater - Carousel with the same template
* Fix: Minor fixes - v1.12.0 - 2021/02/11
* New: PayPal for Elementor Pro Form
* Tweak: Dynamic Visibility supports OR/AND conditions
* Tweak: Improvement on Custom Condition - Dynamic Visibility
* Tweak: PDF Button - JS Converter now creates compress PDF files
* Fix: Animations didn't work correctly on last version
* Fix: Modals widget didn't work correctly on last version
* Fix: ACF Google Maps API issue
* Fix: Points issue on SVG Blob
* Fix: Minor fixes - v1.11.0 - 2021/02/02
* Tweak: Optimize page loading performance
* Tweak: new server to check license
* Tweak: ACF Relationship can now retrieve fields from the current author, current user, current term, or options pages
* Tweak: Increase resolution on SVG Converter - PDF Generator for Elementor Pro Form for SVG created with Adobe Illustrator
* Tweak: Settings for ACF Repeater new version moved on the tab "other" on admin pages. The old version will be deprecated on 30/04/2021 and no longer on 31/03/2021
* Tweak: new free SVG Editor on https://svgeditor.dynamic.ooo
* Tweak: ACF Google Maps widget now can retrieves position from multiple CPTs
* Tweak: ACF Google Maps widget now retrieves the language of the site
* Tweak: Signature for Elementor Pro Form now supports responsive size
* Notice: added warning for PHP version * Fix: Enable link on ACF Repeater new version
* Fix: Unfold on the Content widget
* Fix: Multiple condition fields on Send Button
* Fix: Regex for Elementor Pro Form
* Fix: Re-added Dynamic Tags on all form-fields
* Fix: Minor fixes - v1.10.1 - 2021/01/17
* New: Telegram for Elementor Pro Form
* Fix: Password Visibility for Elementor Pro Form
* Fix: ACF Repeater subfields value with Table skin
* Fix: Dynamic Posts v2 - Dynamic Query Type didn't work correctly after last update - v1.10.0 - 2021/01/16
* New: Signature for Elementor Pro Form
* New: Regex for Elementor Pro Form
* New: ACF Repeater. The old version will be deprecate on 31/03/2021
* Tweak: Enchanted Form split into several stand-alone extensions for Elementor Pro Form: Address Autocomplete, Field Description, Icons, Inline Align, Length, Method, Submit on Change, Password Visibility, Reset Button, Select2, Submit Button, WYSIWYG Editor
* Tweak: added pagination on Dynamic Users
* Tweak: added multi-pages for SVG Converter on PDF Generator for Elementor Pro Form
* Tweak: on Dynamic Posts v2 added excluded posts for Search Page - Query Type
* Tweak: changed default converter to JS for PDF Button
* Tweak: changed default converter to SVG for PDF Generator for Elementor Pro Form
* Tweak: Removed "Hide Description" feature from Enhanced Editor and renamed Enchanted Editor to Enhanced Editor
* Tweak: compatibility check for Elementor 3.1.x
* Fix: Limit Content on Dynamic Posts and Dynamic Posts v2 now supports Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese or any other languages which have its character being count differently
* Fix: Fatal error in DomPDF
* Fix: ACF Relationship limited to 5 posts
* Fix: Accordion autoclosing on ACF Repeater
* Fix: Field selection for ACF Repeater didn't work correctly on Safari
* Fix: added method get_term_link
* Fix: PHP8 compatibility fixes
* Fix: Minor fixes - v1.9.7.2 - 2020/12/24
* Fix: Compatibility issue with Polylang plugin
* Fix: Minor fixes - v1.9.7.1 - 2020/12/22
* New: Dynamic Posts v2 now supports Search&Filter Pro Plugin
* New: Search&Filter Pro widget
* New: Converter JS on PDF Button widget
* New: Converter SVG on PDF for Elementor Pro Form
* New: Dynamic Cookie widget
* New: Animated Off-Canvas Menu widget
* New: Query Type - Search Page on Dynamic Posts v2
* New: Fallback Content on Dynamic Posts v2
* Tweak: Grid to Fullscreen 3D on Dynamic Posts v2 now supports panel width
* Tweak: Quoted strings are now allowed as filter arguments on Tokens
* Fix: Dynamic Current Posts Term on Dynamic Posts v2
* Fix: Date Filter on Dynamic Posts v2
* Fix: Amount Expression fields disappeared on editor mode
* Fix: Before After stylesheet
* Fix: Minor fixes - v1. - 2020/11/25
* Fix: ACF Relationship widget conflicts with other posts widgets
* Fix: CSS issue on Before After widget
* Fix: Minor fixes - v1. - 2020/11/23
* Tweak: Improved support for WPML
* Tweak: Visibility - Events condition now works on a loop if you set a custom CSS ID or CSS Class
* Fix: On ACF Relationship widget added orderby "post__in" (called "Same order of ACF Relationship") to set the same order of the field
* Fix: The separator on ACF Relationship widget now works correctly
* Fix: Minor fixes - v1.9.6.6 - 2020/11/16
* Tweak: ACF Relationship widget now supports "order by"
* Fix: Specific Posts Query Type on Dynamic Posts v2 now returns all selected posts
* Fix: on Dynamic Posts v2, the second widget with Blog Grid Type didn't retrieve the template for the first post
* Fix: ACF Relationship - Invert Direction now retrieves right posts
* Fix: Minor fixes - v1.9.6.5 - 2020/11/09
* Tweak: Pagination and Infinite Scroll now works on Template and Archive pages
* Tweak: Border Style on Dynamic Posts v2
* Fix: No field error on conditional send button
* Fix: On Dynamic Posts v2 now ACF Relationship doesn’t return posts if the field doesn’t have related posts
* Fix: Minor fixes - v1.9.6.4 - 2020/10/29
* Tweak: new DPI choice on PDF Features
* Fix: Fatal Error with Tokens - v1.9.6.3 - 2020/10/23
* Fix: Dynamic Posts v2 widget - Title link didn’t work correctly
* Fix: Threesixty 360 widget - The number of frames didn’t work correctly
* Add: ACF Fields widget now supports e-mail fields
* Fix: Minor fixes - v1.9.6.2 - 2020/10/15
* Add: New types of Templates Type on Dynamic Content Template System Metabox
* Fix: Conflict with Elementor pagination
* Fix: Fatal Error with 'Skin_GridFilters.php' file
* Fix: PDF Button widget download function didn’t work after the last update
* Fix: Remote Content widget didn’t work after the last update
* Fix: Compatibility with Dark Theme
* Fix: Minor fixes - v1.9.6 - 2020/10/06
* New: Dynamic Posts v2 widget
* Add: Currency value and decimal places for numbers on ACF Fields
* Add: RTL Settings for PDF Button widget and PDF Action for Elementor Pro Form
* Add: DPI Settings for PDF Button widget and PDF Action for Elementor Pro Form
* Fix: Minor fixes - v1.9.5.6 - 2020/09/04
* Fix: Pagination and Infinite Scroll didn’t work correctly
* Fix: Form Steps extension didn’t work correctly
* Fix: Global Settings panel issue
* Fix: Minor fixes - v1.9.5.4 - 2020/08/25
* Fix: Theme Builder v3 conflict
* Fix: Minor fixes - v1.9.5.3 - 2020/08/21
* Fix: Elementor v3 compatibility
* Fix: Minor fixes - v1.9.5.2 - 2020/06/20
* New: File Browser private folder
* New: Views Template Lazy Load
* New: Views Template Lazy Progressive Load
* New: Views Template Lazy Placeholders
* New: Views Posts Not in Terms
* New: OOO Query Control support for Dynamic Tags
* New: Form Conditional Field support for Token Form
* Add: Unwrap maintain Style option
* Add: Unwrap strip tags
* Add: Amount Field support for Conditional fields
* Add: Unwrap support for Document and Strip Tags
* Tweak: Dynamic Template other origin for User and Author
* Speed: OOO Query Control for Roles
* Speed: OOO Query Control for CPT
* Speed: OOO Query Control for ACF fields
* Speed: OOO Query Control for Meta fields
* Speed: Tokens optimization
* Update: aFrame library
* Fix: Form Steps compatibility with Elementor PRO 2.10.x
* Fix: Panorama multi instance and Image Lazy load
* Fix: Template Style fix
* Fix: Form Dynamic Email multiple File Upload attachments
* Fix: Amount Field support for Elementor Form Shortcode
* Fix: Minor fixes - v1.9.4.2 - 2020/05/27
* Fix: Post Listing Background Image
* Fix: Visibility works with less code
* Fix: Google Maps default Markers - v1.9.4.1 - 2020/05/26
* Tweak: Advanced Transforms - v1.9.4 - 2020/05/26
* New: Frontend Navigator
* New: Tracker Header Global Setting
* New: Extension Mask for Elementor Image, Elementor ImageBox, Elementor Video
* New: Extension Unwrap
* New: Enchanted Editor add Edit Template on Context Menu
* New: ACF Repeater render as Accordion, Table DataTable and List with Icons
* New: Changelog from License Tab
* Add: Save Action stop next Action on Error
* Add: Dynamic Email Action send Email in HTML + Plain text version
* Add: Visibility Trigger Max per User
* Add: Views can ignore Sticky posts
* Add: Views active Filters
* Update: Isotope js library
* Speed: prevent double Elementor page render when Template System is enabled
* Tweak: Forced Dynamic Tags on all supported Controls
* Fix: Views Exposed Sort
* Fix: PDF unwrap for long text block
* Fix: Dynamic Posts Ajax CSS
* Fix: Content Widget works with the_content filters
* Fix: Dynamic Background on Loop of Terms or User
* Fix: Dynamic Background Video on Section
* Fix: Dynamic User filter
* Fix: Minor fixes - v1.8.14 - 2020/04/24
* Add: Form Submit button
* Add: Amount Field support for Acceptance and Checkboxes
* New: Token EXPR
* Add: Term Taxonomy List Image Style
* Add: Pause on Hover on all Swiper carousel
* Add: Views Widget Infinite Button
* Add: Form Reset button
* Add: Form Steps Summary
* Add: Dynamic Posts Widget new Type field in standard render
* Add: Remote Content support for Authentication
* Add: Enchanted Form automatic submit on Field Change
* Add: Save Action store Multiple data as Array
* Speed: load only necessary assets in Debug mode
* Speed: faster Editor opening speed
* Security: moved minified assets to Uploads
* Fix: multiple Carousel instance in archive page
* Fix: Minor fixes - v1.8.9 - 2020/04/06
* New: Visibility also works for Columns
* New: Visibility Term Triggers
* New: Visibility Dynamic Tag Triggers
* New: Enchanted Form Min e Max Length to Text and Textarea fields
* Update: Vendors
* Fix: Minor fixes - v1.8.8.5 - 2020/04/02
* New: Smooth Transition in Global settings
* New: WebGL Image Distortion Hover Widget
* New: Smart Assets minification in production
* New: Token QUERY
* New: Enchanted Form WYSIWYG to Textarea fields
* New: Enchanted Form Address Autocomplete to Text fields
* New: Enchanted Form set GET or POST Action to Form instead standard Ajax
* New: Visibility support for WooCommerce (Product in Cart, Membership)
* New: Dynamic Redirect Action for Elementor PRO Form
* Add: Views Widget display as Slideshow
* Add: Views Widget more advanced Terms filtering
* Tweak: Enchanted Form support for more Field Width
* Tweak: OOO Query Control quick Add or Edit
* Tweak: Form Field Condition now support Multiple Values for a Single Field
* Style: add settings for Form Amount field
* Fix: Added compatibility with WordPress v5.4
* Fix: Form Extension now works also in Elementor PRO PopUp
* Fix: ACF Repeater working for repeaters inside Groups or Tabs
* Fix: Minor fixes - v1.8.7.2 - 2020/03/16
* Add: Count, Ajax Pagination and GroupBy Accordion to Views Widget
* Add: Extension for Video Widget more Style settings
* Add: Widget Cursor Tracker new style controls
* Add: Dynamic Posts Widget TextZone Animation effect in rollover
* Add: Enchanted Form Tooltip option for Field Description
* Add: Enchanted Form all Column Width is now available
* Fix: more stability and compatibility with 3rd part widgets
* Fix: CSS styles on Archive pages and Widgets with loop
* Fix: Elementor PRO Utils error
* Fix: Minor fixes - v1.8.6.1 - 2020/02/29
* New: Extension for Video Widget
* New: Widget Cursor Tracker
* Add: Dynamic Tag Token to Color Control
* Add: ACF Repeater support for nested Repeater fields
* Tweak: Widget Post Term Taxonomy
* Fix: Compatibility with Elementor 2.9
* Fix: Minor fixes - v1.8.5 - 2020/02/19
* New: ACF Maps Widget support ACF Repeater data
* Add: now Tokens support "return as Data" setting for Media Controls
* Update: Vendors
* Fix: Form scripts (Steps and Conditional logic) are now in the footer
* Fix: Compatibility with Elementor 2.9
* Fix: Minor fixes - v1.8.4.3 - 2020/02/07
* New: Dynamic Tags Template
* Add: Dynamic Posts Widget on ACF Relationship inverted mode
* Add: Save Action for Elementor PRO Form save as Options
* Add: Save Action for Elementor PRO Form update Post, User and Term
* Add: Conditional Fields for Elementor PRO Form support for Steps
* Add: now Tokens support "options" filter to generate dynamic options on Elementor PRO Form fields
* Tweak: ThreeSixty 360 autodetect type and frame number
* Security: removed eval function from some widgets
* Fix: Minor fixes - v1.8.3 - 2020/01/12
* New: now Tokens support ACF Fields
* Add: ACF Maps Dynamic Infowindow
* Add: now Tokens Date support Post, User & Term subfields
* Add: Term & Taxonomy now support ACF Color in terms
* Add: Trigger scroll for Animated Text
* Add: Visibility support for Context COOKIE and SERVER parameters
* Add: Visibility support for Language trigger (WPML, PolyLang, TranslatePress and WeGlot)
* Add: support for ACF Fields on Options page
* Fix: ThreeSixty 360 Widget responsive width
* Fix: Minor fixes - v1.8.2.1 - 2019/12/18
* New: Extension Amount for Elementor PRO Form
* Add: Visibility support for Language trigger (WPML, PolyLang and TranslatePress)
* Fix: Template render speed improvements
* Fix: Minor fixes - v1.8.2 - 2019/12/12
* New: now Tokens support WooCommerce Products
* New: now Tokens can display the Post Taxonomy Terms
* Fix: ACF Gallery Masonry render
* Fix: Dynamic Posts ACF Link
* Fix: Copy/Paste Cross-site compatible with Elementor 2.8
* Fix: Minor fixes - v1.8.1 - 2019/12/04
* New: Copy Paste Cross-site interface working on All browser
* Tweak: ACF Repeater in Template Preview
* Add: ACF Map Marker Clustering
* Add: form Upload fields as Attachments on Dynamic Email
* Fix: Minor fixes - v1.8.0 - 2019/11/29
* New: Copy & Paste across different site domains
* New: Copy to Clipboard Widget
* New: WebGL BG Canvas Widget
* New: Easy Rollback to the previous version after plugin update
* New: Force Full-Width or Canvas Template to Single Page from Dynamic Template System
* Add: Description on Fields in Enchanted Form for Elementor PRO Form
* UX: new Enchanted Form setting Tab
* Update: Vendors
* Fix: Minor fixes - v1.7.1 - 2019/11/19
* New: Dynamic Tag Token Wizard mode
* New: Extension Enchanted Editor
* New: Extension Steps for Elementor Pro Form
* Add: ACF Repeater Widget add tab [link] ACF Repeater Url
* Add: Views Widget filter by meta array subfield
* Add: support for MU Plugins
* Add: Template System can be disabled
* Add: Document Horizontal Inertia
* Optimization: minifyed Css and more lightweight
* Optimization: Widget FeaturedImage
* Optimization: Widget TitlePost
* Fix: DynamicPosts Query of filters by masonry grig render
* Fix: DymamicPosts Include/Exclude Terms
* Fix: Minor fixes - v1.7.0 - 2019/10/27
* New: Animated Text
* New: Extension Enchanted for Elementor Pro Form
* New: Widget Button PDF
* New: Widget Barcode & QrCode
* New: Widget Add to Calendar
* New: Token variable System
* Add: Dynamic Posts Include/Exclude for Terms
* Add: Dynamic Posts Date Filter (Past, Future, Today, Yesterday from post date or meta value)
* Add: Multiple conditions to Conditional Fields for Elementor PRO Form
* Add: AutoLogin and update User for Save Data for Elementor PRO Form
* Add: Add to Favorites Button: Hide Button for NON Logged Users and Cookie counter
* Fix: Acf Justyfier gallery
* Fix: Modals delay enter animation
* Fix: Minor fixes - v1.6.0.1 - 2019/10/12
* Fix: Minor fixes
* Out of Beta - v1.6.0 - 2019/10/06
* New: Category SVG
* New: Widget SVG Mask
* New: Widget SVG Fe FilterEffects
* New: Widget SVG Distortion
* New: Widget SVG Blob
* New: Widget SVG PathText
* New: Widget SVG Morphing pattern image
* New: Widget ACF Repeater
* New: Widget User Fields
* New: Widget Add to Favorites
* New: Extension use Tokens everywhere in Dynamic field (no Elementor PRO needed)
* New: Extension Save Data (as Post, User or Term) for Elementor PRO Form
* New: Extension Export Data for Elementor PRO Form
* New: Extension Message for Elementor PRO Form
* New: Extension PDF for Elementor PRO Form
* New: Extension Dynamic Email for Elementor PRO Form
* New: Extension Visibility Conditional Fields for Elementor PRO Form
* New: Control Ajax Select2 in Elementor Settings
* New: Document Navigation Snap Scroll style
* Add: Views Widget now also list User and Term objects
* Add: Token variable Term
* Add: Token variable Wp_Query
* Add: Token variable Author
* Add: Group By option in Views Widget
* Add: Ignore Posts option in Views Widget
* Add: Post selection for Visibility Extension
* Add: language trigger for Visibility Extension
* Add: user Events trigger (click and page load) for Visibility Extension
* Add: File Browser Widget can get files from Medias in Post Field and from a CSV
* Add: Inverted relation in ACF Relationship Widget for Bidirectional relations
* Add: fix links (lazy images, relative links, etc) of scraped code in Remote Content Widget
* Add: Author Query filter in Dynamic Posts
* Fix: search posts by author in admin
* Fix: plugin speed optimizations - v1.5.3 - 2019/07/20
* New: Token varable Date ([date], [date|Y m d], [date:+1 month|d-m-Y]
* New: PODS Gallery Widget
* Add: Pagination options on Views Widget
* Add: Period trigger on Visibility extension
* Add: Random trigger on Visibility extension
* Add: Max trigger on Visibility extension
* Add: Text manipulation on Meta Widget
* Add: File Browser Widget can select from "Media Library" and "Post Medias"
* Tweak: The Animations are now compatible with motion effects, work together. In continuous movement and at the same time animated in scroll. (this compatibility requires re-enabling)
* Tweak: Select2 on all select controls
* Tweak: Page Scrolling animations
* Tweak: Tokens are supported in all Text widgets (WP native and Elementor's)
* Fix: ACF Google Map Marker ACF Image
* Fix: ACF Field Wysiwyg autop
* Fix: ACF Gallery Lightbox
* Fix: ACF Gallery support all field return type (array, url, id)
* Fix: Visibility with Elementor Free v2.6.x - v1.5.2 - 2019/06/25
* New: Widget SVG Morphing
* New: All our widgets now support Token in text fields controls
* New: Pods Relationship widget
* New: Toolset Relationship widget
* New: GeoIP based trigger for Visibility ("GeoIP Detection" plugin needed)
* New: setting to remove shortcode (like Visual Composer) in Post Content Widget
* New: advanced configuration for Excerpt Widget
* Improvement: Current Post based trigger for Visibility
* Improvement: Period based trigger for Visibility
* Improvement: sortable post in Single Post List widget
* Optimization: compression and minimization on all DCE js
* Tweak: Dynamic Posts native Template from term and taxonomy
* Tweak: debug mode for Visibility
* Update: more settings on Views widget
* Fix: compatible with Elementor Free v2.6.0-beta1
* Fix: Image Acf in Dynamic Posts
* Fix: Rendering Template
* Fix: Minor fixes - v1.5.1 - 2019/06/06
* Improvement: File Browser, custom folder path and dynamic folder via meta_field
* Improvement: Modals Widget close button
* Added: Modals close button X Style
* Optimized: rendering of template
* Fix: Modals changed class name (required resave)
* Fix: Visibility - v1.5.0 - 2019/06/04
* Improvement: Visibility extension:
-Move: from Advanced tab to its new own dedicated, divided by section
-Add: Parameter condition
-Add: Debug mode to show trigger in frontend
-Add: Keep HTML
-Add: Responsive condition
-Fix: Specific User
* Improvement: Dynamic Posts
-Improved UX
-New Layout:
--New mode of ordering elements
--Changed layout Position Image
--Added order image
--Added Text-Zone: Float in front
-Added style Text-Zone x/y movement
-Added style for modal in Ajax Page Load
-Image-Overlay Color/Image/Gradient and Opacity
-Removed in/out option for title, meta, author, read more
-Improved MetaData: Icon, taxonomy block, Space
-Improved Author: Align, Space, Avatar image style
-Improved ReadMore Button: Tabs Colors
-Fix: Infinite Scroll if the number of posts is less than total element, if the value is 0 or empty get default number
* Improvement: ACF Field:
-now get the field in Archive and User template
* Improvement: List Widgets Style
-border Weight and width
-UX label_block
* Improvement: Advanced Transforms structure
* Fix: Post-Content in Archive for Home Category and Tag. - v1.4.2 - 2019/05/17
* Added: ACF Map Dynamic mode for same Terms
* Added: support for multiple Post Meta in Widget Meta
* Added: activation domain check
* Tweak: List widgets
* Tweak: Remote content - v1.4.1 - 2019/05/08
* Added: InfoWindow in ACF Map
* Fix: Dynamic Posts Carousel (Slick)
* Fix: Template system user and search
* Fix: Template system get from Single and Archive by Theme Builder Elementor Pro - v1.4.0 - 2019/04/26
* New: Widget Toolset Field
* New: Widget ACF Relationship
* New: Widget Views
* New: Document Inertia Scroll
* New: Post Widget Meta
* New: Post Widget Meta
* New: Unfold option in Content Post
* Tweak: Widget Views with ajax and infinite scroll
* Tweak: update engine crawler for Remote Content
* Tweak: Document page scroll effects
* Tweak: Widget Views with Pagination and Exposed sorting
* Tweak: Post Breadcrumb use Yoast if is active
* Tweak: ACF Slider Force-Width, Force-Height and Background-Mode
* Fix: compatibility with PHP 7.3
* Fix: Dynamic pots offset value
* Fix: Document page snap scroll
* Fix: Post Content strip all tags if use the content limit
* Fix: minor fix
* Added: Support ACF Field date in Dynamic Posts, Act Field Widget.
* Added: Now Tokens support string Filters
* Updated: vendor plugin-update-checker
* Optimization: less memory utilization in Visibility for section
* Security: more secure method to verify Custom condition in Visibility - v1.3.1.1 - 2019/03/07
* Fix: Template System after element template in archive
* Fix: Dynamic Posts Dynamic-mode in home and term archive
* Fix: Pagination of document snap-scroll
* Fix: minor fix - v1.3.1 - 2019/03/05
* New: Template System rebuild ui
* New: Scrolling effects for page controls
* New: Widget Pods Field
* New: Widget Tilt
* New: Document Setting > Page Scroll
* New: Document Setting > Page Scroll Effect
* New: Custom condition for Visibility
* Tweak: Dynamic Posts Dynamic Taxonomy and Terms
* Tweak: Change name of widget "Popups" to "Modals"
* Fix: compatibility with Visibility in Editor
* Fix: Compatibility with Elementor 2.5.1
* Fix: Visibility condition - v1.2.1.1 - 2019/01/11
* Update: more settings for FileBrowser
* Update: Visibility integration with Elementor Editor (Navigator and Context menu)
* Fix: compatibility with deprecated PHP version (5.6) - v1.2.1 - 2019/01/06
* Optimization: Complete code refactoring
* New: added pagination in Dynamic Posts
* New: "Load More" button in Dynamic Posts
* New: InfiniteScroll in Dynamic Posts
* New: set your own API keys on Google Maps
* New: Visibility now works also with Sections
* New Advanced: RevealFx
* Update: more choice for Visibility (Context, Conditional Tags, ecc), please check compatibility
* Update: Advanced Rellax responsive value
* Fix: compatibility with Customization setting in OceanWP - v1.1.2 - 2018/11/12
* Fix: minor fix - v1.1.1 - 2018/11/01
* Tweak: FireModalWindow: padding, border radius, icon after/before, UX
* Tweak: Dynamic Content > Settings (UI)
* Tweak: Dynamic Content > Settings for Search page
* Tweak: Optimized for WPML
* Tweak: ReadMore post hover-style
* Optimization: Plugin Core for future release
* Upgrade: Library (Swiper, Anime, Reveal, Rellax)
* New: Widget List-Single-Posts-Menu
* New: Widget PopUps
* New: Dashboard Info
* New: Backend Column (Dynamic Content template) for Pages, Posts, CPT and Taxonomy - v1.1.0.1 - 2018/09/13
* Fix: Ajax Page Open, compatibility with Astra Theme - v1.1.0 - 2018/09/12
* New: Taxonomy in TemplateSystem global settings
* Tweak: Transform, added condition Enabled Transforms (Required activation for the elements used)
* Tweak: ACF Maps, added Snazzy Style
* Tweak: Dynamic Posts, Query Parent-child logic - v1.0.8.2 - 2018/09/06
* Fix: Ajax Page Open (thanks Sylvia)
* Tweak: Single Template blank page
* Fix: Minor bugfix - v1.0.8.1 - 2018/09/01
* Fix: Transform - v1.0.8 - 2018/08/31
* Fix: Dynamic Posts pophover transforms for single items
* Fix: Post Title
* Fix: ACF Fields
* Fix: ACF Gallery
* Fix: SnapScroll
* Minor Fixes - v1.0.7 - 2018/08/27
* New: Advanced Parallax for any widget (with Rellax https://dixonandmoe.com/rellax/)
* Tweak: Post content shortcodes
* Security: Dev widget configurable only by admin
* Fix: Remote Content Cache working well and introduced Max Connection Time
* Tweak: PhpRaw check for working code before save
* Fix: Minor bugfix - v1.0.6 - 2018/08/25
* Tweak: Template settings archive for home
* Tweak: TwentyTwenty Before/After Dynamic fields (Pro)
* Tweak: FileBrowser style tab
* New: Now the transformations controls is advanced for any widget
* New: Group Controls HSB - v1.0.5 - 2018/08/20
* New: Creative widget Panorama
* New: Creative widget TwentyTwenty Before/After
* Fix: Transforms container - v1.0.4 - 2018/08/12
* New: Transformations responsive Controls
* New: Creative widget Parallax
* New: Creative widget Threesixty 360, image rotator
* New: Dev widget RemoteContent
* Fix: Fixed counter hits for FileBrowser
* Fix: Minor bugfix - v1.0.3 - 2018/08/07
* Tweak: Transform on Featured-image and ACF-image
* Tweak: Dynamic Posts, Query "From specific post "get from all CPT
* Tweak: Enchanted FileBrowser with native WP Media meta
* Fix: Minor bugfix - v1.0.2 - 2018/07/27
* Tweak: Featured Image
* Tweak: ACF Fields / ACF Gallery / ACF Map
* Added: Blend Mode and Filters
* Added: In transform TranslateX/Y
* Fix: Minor bugfix - v1.0.1 - 2018/07/25
* Tweak: ACF Fields / ACF Gallery / ACF Slider / ACF Map
* Tweak: Updated Swiper library to v4.3.3
* Compatibility for Elementor 2.1.0
* Fix: Minor bugfix - v1.0.0 - 2018/06/26
* Initial release - v0.0.1 - 2017/05/03
* First steps
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